Business names
hello fellow business photographers.
What letter and number combination comes to YOUR mind as being the most memorable for a business name e.g. C4 or T9 or A1
Could everyone suggest one option.
What letter and number combination comes to YOUR mind as being the most memorable for a business name e.g. C4 or T9 or A1
Could everyone suggest one option.
How about using the C the A and the T to give yourself CAT
Maybe add another T and a final A for catta. Thats not too close to catto is it? You remember, the other photog that runs a business near you, Robert Catto was his name.
catta is memorable and a million miles from catto's company name so there should be no miss-understanding.....
Only joking with you. A1 would get you near the front of the phone book. C4 & T9 mean nothing to me. Even A1 sounds like a removal company. Why not pick a proper name.
Jerry Lodriguss - Sports Photographer
Reporters sans frontières
What kind of business? as others mention letter and numbers mean all kinds of things. Assuming you are asking regarding a photography business. perhaps f4 or f1.0?
beep BEEP!!!
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Nikon shooter: D200, Tokina 12-24, 17-55 2.8, 70-200 VR 2.8, 50 1.4 :click
B12 (pick me up vitamin)
B9 (always great to hear - especially from your doctor)
ahh but I digress
A-1 - around here we have A-1 septic service / A-1 construction / A-1 ....., in other words too generic sounds kind of fly-by-night ish for a photographer.
"Tis better keep your mouth shut and be thought of as an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
2B, or not to 2B: Gus raised the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them?
Jerry Lodriguss - Sports Photographer
Reporters sans frontières deep thought or words....i was just being silly.
I might just toss in one suggestion, that you check the Companies Register for New Zealand and find out what's already in use - C4, for example, apart from being the name of one of our (four) television stations, is also the name of C4 Camera in Auckland. So I'd suggest not using that one, as it's begging for problems.
You can search the register at and see what is already in use or reserved there; but that's quite a separate issue from finding a name that will mean something to your intended clientele.
In many Asian cultures, for example, numbers seem to have strong connotations (in the same way that using the number 13 would be unlucky for most European based cultures); so if you're pitching to that market, a bit of background research would be worthwhile.
For me, any company that's got a name that doesn't mean something to me immediately seems somewhat less trustworthy than someone who's prepared to (literally) put their name behind their work; so I'd always prefer to deal with someone who is upfront about their identity and brand. That's why my business is built on my own name, rather than 'Cat's Eye Photography' or something.
Just a thought,
Seatoun, Wellington New Zealand
Just registered my domain -->
Canon EOS 20D
Teddy Roosevelt Revised: "Walk softly and carry a big lens."
AK41? hmm.. nope
Canon 30D
Canon 24-70mm F2.8L
Canon 70-200mm F2.8L
Canon 430EX Flash
Im partial to P standing
-Fleetwood Mac
Good point! Number '8' is particularly "auspicious"
Isn't it AK47?
We have A-1 air conditioning services around here. How about ASAP or AAA Photography
Nikon D700 x2/D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8
The AK41 is shorter
how about WTF? or RTFM?
Dusty Dog Digital
A search for "A1 photography" returns 4000 hits - where would be yours be in the rankings?
Whereas I'm the only one that comes up for "Paul Brock Photography", albeit in various different ads and listings.
If most of your marketing will be 'traditional' this may not be an issue, but in most cases it's pretty important!
There is/was a band called 'A'. Great band, but how do you find their website, search for their CDs etc?
Also, if you're going to be plastering your business name all over the net, try and include keywords, e.g. "Paul Brock Wedding Photography"
Robots, cars, planes, bra size, computer, memory size, sensor size, temperature, aperature, shutter speed, not in that order. Just some things that came to mind of letter number combos.
IN case yyou're wondering it's from 'The LOne Ranger' By te band 'Quantum Jump'
Nikon D700 x2/D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8
what's compliacted about it - it's only one word!
and I memorised it! (yes I did!)
"Happy Birthday to meee,
I live up a treee..
I like squashed bananas
Yes I'm a Monkeee!"
Ooh ooh ooh
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