Six Million Dollar Girl
This photo reminds me of the old Six Million Dollar man TV show.

We can make her stronger -- faster!
Today was the last day of fall soccer. The first two games were pouring rain -- so I didn't shoot. But I got to shoot the last game....decent lighting for a change.

Gallery: link here

We can make her stronger -- faster!

Today was the last day of fall soccer. The first two games were pouring rain -- so I didn't shoot. But I got to shoot the last game....decent lighting for a change.

Gallery: link here
Today was a great day for shooting soccer where we play. I tried something new with the 20D. I , in the past would use sports mode and halp press many times while centering my subject ( thought it was the way to do it ) today I just kep it half pressed and followed my subject. I got more keepers. I have no idea which is the correct way though...
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
You can use sport mode with the 20D if you want...but there's no need to (unlike with the Digital Rebel). Set the AF mode to "AI Servo". Half press with the center focus point over your "subject". Keep half pressed as you follow your subject and shoot when you want to. That's how you use AI Servo....which is particularly helpful when the subject is coming toward or away from you at a more or less constant rate.
You have to pay attention though...and notice when you lose focus from your intended subject. When that just re-half-press to refocus on your subject.
so when you shoot are you using Av, Tv, or M?
Any of them. I typically use Av or Tv...and then use exposure compensation after looking at the histogram.
If I'm wanting to control depth of field, I shoot in Av mode. The wider the aperture (smaller f stop number) the more narrow the dof. Like in the first picture in this thread where the girl is in focus but the background isn't. You have to pay attention to the shutter speed you are getting...and bump up the ISO if the shutter is too slow.
Or...if you want to control the shutter to freeze action...or leave a little motion blur for effect...then you shoot Tv mode. pay attention to the aperatures to make sure you are within range.
Then I look at the histogram and add exposure compensation one way or the other to snug the histogram over to the right...but not so far that I blow out the highlights.
Of course you can just shoot manual and pay attention to either shutter or aperature.
I misplaced my manual. In Av mode how do you get AI Servo to kick in???
The buttons on the top of the camera come in pairs. You press the button, then either the top wheel to change whatever was listed first...or the rear wheel to change whatever was listed second.