Request for hack help
It was suggested by Andy that I post a request for help here. l
Let me start by saying I am no hacker and don't know html, javascript or css beyond what I've ppicked up in last couple weeks reading through the customizing forum.
I have a new site I want to use as photojournal, or photoblog. Here's the link:
The site will consist of a single gallery that I will add new images to semi-daily. I want my viewer to see the most recently uploaded image first and then navigate in reverse chronological oreder (back in time) by clicking "<prev".
The way it works now if I sort the gallery, ascendning 1-99 by when the images are uploaded it put's the images in chronological order. But by that doing the first image shown is the oldest image in the gallery, the first image to be uploaded.
If I reverse the order of the gallery to "descending 99-1" it will show the last image uploaded, the most recent image first.
However, the viewer will navigate backwards (chronologically) by clicking "next>" which is confusing chronologically.
I could achieve the desired result by EITHER changing the order images are displayed so the last image in the gallery is displayed first
Reversing the actual function of the "<prev" and "next>" buttons.
SO my question is: Is there any way to reverse the actual functions of the "<prev" and "next> buttons, ie swith the code behind them?
is there a way to have the last image in the gallery sort be the first image displayed?
I hope this is not too confusing. My previous requests for help in the customizing forum can be viewed her:
So far no one has been able to tell me how or if either of these are possible. Any help is appreciated.
Let me start by saying I am no hacker and don't know html, javascript or css beyond what I've ppicked up in last couple weeks reading through the customizing forum.
I have a new site I want to use as photojournal, or photoblog. Here's the link:
The site will consist of a single gallery that I will add new images to semi-daily. I want my viewer to see the most recently uploaded image first and then navigate in reverse chronological oreder (back in time) by clicking "<prev".
The way it works now if I sort the gallery, ascendning 1-99 by when the images are uploaded it put's the images in chronological order. But by that doing the first image shown is the oldest image in the gallery, the first image to be uploaded.
If I reverse the order of the gallery to "descending 99-1" it will show the last image uploaded, the most recent image first.
However, the viewer will navigate backwards (chronologically) by clicking "next>" which is confusing chronologically.
I could achieve the desired result by EITHER changing the order images are displayed so the last image in the gallery is displayed first
Reversing the actual function of the "<prev" and "next>" buttons.
SO my question is: Is there any way to reverse the actual functions of the "<prev" and "next> buttons, ie swith the code behind them?
is there a way to have the last image in the gallery sort be the first image displayed?
I hope this is not too confusing. My previous requests for help in the customizing forum can be viewed her:
So far no one has been able to tell me how or if either of these are possible. Any help is appreciated.
I guess it will be possible to keep the words, and change the links, but you'll have to ask someone else, because i need to study up on that
Put this in your JavaScript window: and this in your footer, without the stars EDIT: Code changed, REMOVE THE SPACES BETWEEN THE YELLOW CHARACTERS IN YOUR JAVASCRIPT BOX & smugmug
When he first / most recent image is displayed,
<Prev Next> have been reversed to:
<Next Prev>
Good so far. But when I click Prev> and go to the previous image it goes to this:
<Prev Prev>
Again here's the link:
And again, Thank You for helping try to solve this one.
</next> & smugmug
<prev next>
but have them functioning as they are now? IN otherwords reverse their repspective positions?
Again we are very close to what I'm lookin for. Many thanks for your expertise and work.
Greetings Hackers,
Just wondering, can I get rid of the current
previous next
buttons and replace them in a navigation bar? Anyone know how I'd go about doing this?
Thanks again.
How about this; Instead of reversing the code for prev/next, why don't we change it to <newer older=""> or something like "<never" and="" older="">< newer" and "older >"?</never"></newer> & smugmug
Hey Ivar,
I mis-understood what you were saying in your last post, so disregard my suggestion of using only the arrow symbols ( <<< and >>>) Changing it to " < newer" and "older > " will be perfect. To do that I assume we go back to before the last couple of changes and simply change the words in the buttons. Is that done in css? Thanks, sorrry I'm so dense.
Robbie & smugmug