Saguaro in Tucson

It's been a while since my last photo-post, but I was having problems with my Nikon E5400--the shots were too soft. All kinds of things were tried, but I finally got a clue in this month's ShutterBug magazine. A test report of the Nikon D200 mentioned the noise reduction effects (pg. 95), and I saw something: the noise-reduced shot looked SOFTER.
Hmm. I thought I had my NR off; I cycled it on then off again, and I think I've got some improvement. Maybe a glitch in the firmware? Anyway, I'm not sure I'm 100% yet, but...
...had some time to kill on a business trip to Tucson yesterday, so I went to the Pima Air Museum (more shots in the Other Cool Shots forum), but I noticed this saguaro cactus starting to bloom. And here's one looky:
Hmm. I thought I had my NR off; I cycled it on then off again, and I think I've got some improvement. Maybe a glitch in the firmware? Anyway, I'm not sure I'm 100% yet, but...
...had some time to kill on a business trip to Tucson yesterday, so I went to the Pima Air Museum (more shots in the Other Cool Shots forum), but I noticed this saguaro cactus starting to bloom. And here's one looky:
Like to see closeup of that flower on top
...if ANDY woulda given me that new Nikon D2X that he said was "in the mail" for my last birthday, instead of keeping it and bragging about HIS new camera, maybe I coulda had a NICE closeup for you.
Right, ANDY?:heh