Computer Help Needed

I installed a new 300 Gig hard drive recently, and now I need to start using it. I coppied all my image files from my D drive to this new drive and just today down loaded my recent images from 2 CF cards. All works well in PS2, but when I go to save as, or if I browse from Digital grin to download an image I can not see a thumb of the image from any folder in the new drive, but can see thumbs located in any file in my D drive.
What gives??? How come computers can't be easy? Why can't old people understand computers? Why is the sky blue? No I am not gona buy a big Mac computer.
What gives??? How come computers can't be easy? Why can't old people understand computers? Why is the sky blue? No I am not gona buy a big Mac computer.

Fot anyone with the same issue, here is the solution. In the browse window there is an icon that is "view menue" Under this you have several choices, one of which will be "thumbnails". Check this and your back to viewing images rather than just the file names.