how lucky am i?

my dw left this morning, off on her "mom's business trip"
to canyon ranch spa... she goes every year ... and believe me, she earns it!
anyhow, i just went up to the kitchen to rustle up some grub for the boy and me, and i open the fridge, and i find an amazing pot of homemade beef stew, and a tray of lasagne. tonight, beef stew, with some pennsylvania dutch egg noodles. lasagne tomorrow night :lol3
is she the best or what?

anyhow, i just went up to the kitchen to rustle up some grub for the boy and me, and i open the fridge, and i find an amazing pot of homemade beef stew, and a tray of lasagne. tonight, beef stew, with some pennsylvania dutch egg noodles. lasagne tomorrow night :lol3
is she the best or what?
I know she will enjoy her spa. I think I would rather have the food myself. Sounds like great stuff.
(Huh, didn't want this to be called an orphan. But no joke, I always thought that having a wife would be great. Then again, she couldn't be jaded and slack like me, she would have to do that wife stuff. I did it for awhile. Actually, I didn't earn it like she seems to. You are a lucky man........... and a half.)