Actually, I'm Mrs. Bmweerman, but am taking a serious stab at digital photography and could really use some help. I've worked with regular film cameras for some time now, but am getting into digital. The problem: this whole deal with callibration. I read the earlier thread (1994?) on callibrating the monitor, etc. but am still confused. At the moment my finances can't handle buying a new printer, so I was planning on trying Smugmug's printing for the few shots that I think are ready to print. If my monitor is calibrated properly, will the Smugmug prints come out as expected, or do the monitor and printer have to be callibrated the same? My other question is: How do I get proper callibration for my monitor? When I run the callibrator that is on my computer, the colors are intensely bright and I am unable to make adjustments that work for all the steps involved in the process. I understand that there are programs for callibrating and the previous thread mentioned several, but it was written several years ago. I know this is a lot of questions, but I'm really wanting to do this right.
Thanks for your help!:D
Thanks for your help!:D
Smugmug also has a page in their help section about monitor calibration. There is also info in that link on getting a calibration print from Smugmug and getting the Easyprints ICC profile for soft proofing.
Check those two links out and see if they answer your questions.
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!