I"m thinking about getting a new monitor as the one I have is what came with the package. Any suggestions for something that would be good for someone wanting to work towards professional level pics? Unfortunately, cost is definitely an issue at this time.
Also, what do you have for a computer. Don't need to know the details, but are we talking Mac or PC.
How much desk space do you have. You can get a CRT for much less if you have the space for it. It is still true that small is more expensive, but LCDs are nice.
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Phoenix, AZ
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I'm using a PC with a monitor that seems to have to be recalibrated everytime I log on. A serious pain. Is that the usual case or is it just this monitor? lCallibrating is new to me and I've posted a thread asking for help with that. I was told that I could get a lot of help here. Thanks for the input!
I calibrate my monitor about every 30 days or so and have seen very little in the way of color drift from one instance to the next. So, it seems to me that if you are waiting for the monitor to completly warm up, then you may have a problem.
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Thoughts on photographing a wedding, How to post a picture, AF Microadjustments?, Light Scoop
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