Saturdays Horse Show
Howdy everyone,
I shot a horse show sat night, had full access inside and out of the arena, but usually stayed somewhere near the middle or sides. The backgrounds where horrible all the way around the arena, bathrooms/concession stand, cars/trucks and people/bleachers. Please let me know what you think of these. Likes/dislikes and what I could do better or If I did fine. According to my sales everyone loved them. Thanks

I shot a horse show sat night, had full access inside and out of the arena, but usually stayed somewhere near the middle or sides. The backgrounds where horrible all the way around the arena, bathrooms/concession stand, cars/trucks and people/bleachers. Please let me know what you think of these. Likes/dislikes and what I could do better or If I did fine. According to my sales everyone loved them. Thanks

Brad Fite
Canon 1D MkIIN, Canon 50D, Canon 300 f/2.8L, Canon 70-200 f/2.8L, Canon 24-70 f/2.8L, Canon 85 f/1.8, Canon 1.4 Extender,
Canon 580 & 420 Flash, Pocket Wizards,
Alien Bee 800, Other misc stuff
Canon 1D MkIIN, Canon 50D, Canon 300 f/2.8L, Canon 70-200 f/2.8L, Canon 24-70 f/2.8L, Canon 85 f/1.8, Canon 1.4 Extender,
Canon 580 & 420 Flash, Pocket Wizards,
Alien Bee 800, Other misc stuff
Really nice work
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Canon 1D MkIIN, Canon 50D, Canon 300 f/2.8L, Canon 70-200 f/2.8L, Canon 24-70 f/2.8L, Canon 85 f/1.8, Canon 1.4 Extender,
Canon 580 & 420 Flash, Pocket Wizards,
Alien Bee 800, Other misc stuff
above and below are Mother and daughter
Canon 1D MkIIN, Canon 50D, Canon 300 f/2.8L, Canon 70-200 f/2.8L, Canon 24-70 f/2.8L, Canon 85 f/1.8, Canon 1.4 Extender,
Canon 580 & 420 Flash, Pocket Wizards,
Alien Bee 800, Other misc stuff
Yes I was very close but dont rem excactly how close. Yes that was her mother. It was an overcast day which made for fairly constant light, I used my Canon 70-200 f/2.8L for the entire event. That was an event called "Lead Line" An adult leads the horse and child around the arena. Here is the EXIF data for that image
Shot in manual
ISO 400
1/1000 shutter
Canon 1D MkIIN, Canon 50D, Canon 300 f/2.8L, Canon 70-200 f/2.8L, Canon 24-70 f/2.8L, Canon 85 f/1.8, Canon 1.4 Extender,
Canon 580 & 420 Flash, Pocket Wizards,
Alien Bee 800, Other misc stuff
A few more before bedtime
Stick horse Barrel Race
Notice anything about this one?
Canon 1D MkIIN, Canon 50D, Canon 300 f/2.8L, Canon 70-200 f/2.8L, Canon 24-70 f/2.8L, Canon 85 f/1.8, Canon 1.4 Extender,
Canon 580 & 420 Flash, Pocket Wizards,
Alien Bee 800, Other misc stuff
I have a stupid question... on the first picture and the other picture of the Arabian.. do they build up their hooves? Or are they really that big in the front?
I loved the first one especially, but my eye kept going to the guy in the Red White and Blue shirt.. Im all for patriotism, but I err.. uninvited him. ;o) Cloned him the heck outta there so you can concentrate on the horse and rider! Bumped up the saturation too.. maybe I overdid it....
thanks for sharing.. these are gorgous!
And Yes , Yvette, the shoes are built on.
I have some terrible news, the young gentleman with the pink shirt rideing the brown paint (Photos taken Sat 4-29-06) 1 week ago, is fighting for his life in a hospital. I dont want to give full details, however if you believe in the power of prayer please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Some of his friends and competitors went to visit his family at the hospital and I had given that photo(8x10) the them to give to his mother. she wasnt at the horse show and didnt see the photos. When they gave her the photo they said it was a great comfort to her and would not turn it loose all day. Im guessing the photos I took that day was the last taken of him. I have sent word they can have any and all photos of him. I hope God works a miracle in this young mans life.
Canon 1D MkIIN, Canon 50D, Canon 300 f/2.8L, Canon 70-200 f/2.8L, Canon 24-70 f/2.8L, Canon 85 f/1.8, Canon 1.4 Extender,
Canon 580 & 420 Flash, Pocket Wizards,
Alien Bee 800, Other misc stuff
You could not have helped him any better, than to ask us for our prayers, my friend...
These are really good shots.
So, how long did it take to clean out your camera, after this event?
Cookies & RJohns, Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers.
Canon 1D MkIIN, Canon 50D, Canon 300 f/2.8L, Canon 70-200 f/2.8L, Canon 24-70 f/2.8L, Canon 85 f/1.8, Canon 1.4 Extender,
Canon 580 & 420 Flash, Pocket Wizards,
Alien Bee 800, Other misc stuff
Those first shots are lovely and are seperated from the others by the shallower depth of field.........Surely a tragic ending to this story....Our prayers are with the family................ mereimage
So sorry about the young man, how wonderful that you were able to help with instant memories. That 70-200 is certainly the gold standard for those of us that shoot horses.
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not to mention the rider's mixed metaphor, so to speak, with the western saddle and english pants and boots...just something i noticed, not taking anything away from the photo itself......
my stuff