Let's always have "Ineligible" co-part of the challenge

NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
edited May 9, 2006 in The Dgrin Challenges
[ADDED] here's one: http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=33746 [/ADDED]
I liked this idea since my dpreview days. :lust
For uninitiated: with each new challenge I'm suggesting to have a parallel thread, wehre people may post images under exactly the same challenge rules with the following exceptions:
  • image is taken outside actual challenge time frame (hence it's by definition "ineligible" for it)
  • up to 3 images per person can be added (as opposed to just 1)
  • no voting, prizes or anything is awarded
The reason behind having the ineligible thread is to give the other participants an idea what can be done and kinda raise the bar even more:-).

I see people already started posting ineligigble images from time to time, I'd like to see it in a more centralized and organized place.

What do you think?
"May the f/stop be with you!"

Shall we have Ineligible thread with each challenge? 65 votes

Yes, absolutely! Should have been done long time ago!
58% 38 votes
No, that's not needed, too much hassle and confusion
35% 23 votes
I don't care, I don't participate in challenges anyway...
6% 4 votes


  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited May 3, 2006
    It's a nice idea, Nik - but I'm going to veto it, from a formal standpoint. We love the ineligible threads- they are great for inspiration, discussion, enjoying, and learning. But to make a judged/voted on ineligible category, will put a big burden on an already-volunteer staff and system.
  • DJ-S1DJ-S1 Registered Users Posts: 2,303 Major grins
    edited May 3, 2006
    I think you two are in violent agreement - you're saying the same thing, Andy. :D You love the inelligible threads, and you don't want to vote on them.
  • DJ-S1DJ-S1 Registered Users Posts: 2,303 Major grins
    edited May 3, 2006
    By the way Nik, why the 3 post limit? If they are inelligible and they aren't voted on, there's no need for a limit.
  • StanStan Registered Users Posts: 1,077 Major grins
    edited May 3, 2006
    Andy used to post a few examples at the top of the challenge thread to get the inspiration going, this could be a great way to showcase themed photography of the challenge with out the competition.

  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited May 3, 2006
    Andy wrote:
    It's a nice idea, Nik - but I'm going to veto it, from a formal standpoint. We love the ineligible threads- they are great for inspiration, discussion, enjoying, and learning. But to make a judged/voted on ineligible category, will put a big burden on an already-volunteer staff and system.

    We're NOT going to judge/vote on them. It's purely for inspiration. I often find myself in a situation when I have just what would be perfect for the challenge - only it was taken 3 years ago in a location 3,000 miles away...

    So - no managing burden. Just make an extra sticky thread for the duration of the challenge..ne_nau.gif
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited May 3, 2006
    DJ-S1 wrote:
    By the way Nik, why the 3 post limit? If they are inelligible and they aren't voted on, there's no need for a limit.

    We can obviously discuss it, but I always think that the moderation is a virtue.
    We want diversity, not dozens of identical shots from the same person.
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited May 3, 2006
    Stan wrote:
    Andy used to post a few examples at the top of the challenge thread to get the inspiration going, this could be a great way to showcase themed photography of the challenge with out the competition.


    Andy is an awesome photographer, but.. he's just one. Would you deny Harry, or Shay, or Rutt, or Dee, or many many other talents to share thier work - on the occasion? ne_nau.gif
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • SugarloafurSugarloafur Registered Users Posts: 41 Big grins
    edited May 3, 2006
    Sounds like a good idea to me. Even the few challenges that I've seen, I've taken other photos that I'd like to share, and get constructive feedback. I also like to see what others have done and offer suggestions (however useless they might be at this point).

    If nothing else, the ineligible challenge thread could be a way to spark ideas for submissions, and share photos related to the topic.
  • StanStan Registered Users Posts: 1,077 Major grins
    edited May 3, 2006
    Nikolai wrote:
    Andy is an awesome photographer, but.. he's just one. Would you deny Harry, or Shay, or Rutt, or Dee, or many many other talents to share thier work - on the occasion? ne_nau.gif

    Sorry, if you missed the point, Andy used other photogs links to show what was possible, including his own.

    I think other dgrinners showing their work with or without a separate critique thread as with the association thread could be interesting.

    It got my vote

  • StanStan Registered Users Posts: 1,077 Major grins
    edited May 3, 2006
    Wow, looking back, I had forgotten, we even used to vote on the next challenge. We must be nearly post puberty now, we are so grown up.... How this site has changed...

    Best wishes to Dgrin
  • Nee7x7Nee7x7 Registered Users Posts: 459 Major grins
    edited May 3, 2006
    I like the idea a lot! I don't really like the idea of competition as much as simply sharing what you've done. Maybe Nik could moderate, if that's really necessary since there's no voting. Wish we could comment on the entries, too, but with this type of format, it's not really possible to do without disrupting the thread...sigh. But a themed thread without voting...um...gets my vote, lol! :D

    If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
  • davevdavev Registered Users Posts: 3,118 Major grins
    edited May 3, 2006
    Nee7x7 wrote:
    I like the idea a lot! I don't really like the idea of competition as much as simply sharing what you've done. Maybe Nik could moderate, if that's really necessary since there's no voting. Wish we could comment on the entries, too, but with this type of format, it's not really possible to do without disrupting the thread...sigh. But a themed thread without voting...um...gets my vote, lol! :D

    This doesn't need to be moderated, all it needs is to have a thread started
    and made into a sticky so it stays on top.

    It seems like for every challenge, I had a photo for it, but it was
    taken a day to early. I guess I don't see the harm in it, but it's really is up to Andy.

    With some of the posts we've seen lately, how long will it be before
    someone makes the comment "The final 10 suck, we should be voting on
    the ineligibles." and that will just make Andy's or the guest mod's job
    more of a pain.

    I like the idea, but I don't think people will be leave it alone. So I'm voting No.

    Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
  • tsk1979tsk1979 Registered Users Posts: 937 Major grins
    edited May 4, 2006
    Have the sticky thread, no voting, just inspiration!
    Nikolai wrote:
    We're NOT going to judge/vote on them. It's purely for inspiration. I often find myself in a situation when I have just what would be perfect for the challenge - only it was taken 3 years ago in a location 3,000 miles away...

    So - no managing burden. Just make an extra sticky thread for the duration of the challenge..ne_nau.gif
  • mr peasmr peas Registered Users Posts: 1,369 Major grins
    edited May 4, 2006
    I can see where you guys are going with this..Okay guys I think I have a solution!

    How about a weekly 'for fun' photo thing. just a thread a week for any subject. No voting, nothing too serious.

    Lets say I suggest, the topic "Sports". One thread only dedicated to photographs dealing with sports. Or.. "Love".. one thread full of photos with affection and etc.

    It can also be stretched out to like more than a week, up to a month, you know, just to keep us busy.

    You would need someone to keep track of when to unpin the thread and when to make new topics but as long as its not as serious as the normal challenge, it wouldnt be too much of hassle, I dont think.

    It is a cool idea, to have several 'projects' occuring. But if it is too much of a hassle for the current mods and admins, then just keep the topic in mind, maybe next time we can do it.
  • DJ-S1DJ-S1 Registered Users Posts: 2,303 Major grins
    edited May 4, 2006
    mr peas wrote:
    How about a weekly 'for fun' photo thing.
    Isn' that what DGrin is all about every day? It should be, and I think 99% of the time it accomplishes that. :D
  • snapapplesnapapple Registered Users Posts: 2,093 Major grins
    edited May 4, 2006
    I always enjoy seeing the ineligable shots, but having them all together in one thread would make it easier to find them. I think it would also encourage people to share more of them and maybe add some info on how they accomplished the shot so they can be more helpful as inspiration. I mean like the lens they used, the lighting technique or other things pertanent the particular challenge. I was at a loss for ideas and for technique on the "long exposure" challenge and some more ideas would have helped a lot.
    "A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds." - Francis Bacon
    Susan Appel Photography My Blog
  • mr peasmr peas Registered Users Posts: 1,369 Major grins
    edited May 4, 2006
    DJ-S1 wrote:
    Isn' that what DGrin is all about every day? It should be, and I think 99% of the time it accomplishes that. :D
    its more like every 2 weeks ;p

    something simpler though. all it would take is making a thread then pinning it. the normal challenge is fun and all but it would be interesting to do more than one project a week.

    and yeah, one big sticky wont hurt...if not one sticky thread every challenge. it wont have to be moderated. ;)
  • Awais YaqubAwais Yaqub Registered Users Posts: 10,575 Major grins
    edited May 4, 2006
    Yes me to like the idea from my dpreview days :duel
    Thine is the beauty of light; mine is the song of fire. Thy beauty exalts the heart; my song inspires the soul. Allama Iqbal

    My Gallery
  • oldbmwoldbmw Registered Users Posts: 36 Big grins
    edited May 6, 2006
    One reason for a limit is to maybe help teach some editing skills. I may have 10 photos that I really like but have to edit them down to the top three, so I start to look at the little things in each photo that may not make it has good as the others.
    Chris Jennings

    Use coupon 6bPSMkMYrhpVE to save $5.00 on a new smugmug account
  • ruttrutt Registered Users Posts: 6,511 Major grins
    edited May 8, 2006
    Really the thread doesn't even have to be stuck. Just start it. If it's popular enough, it will stay near the top. Maybe use a very attention getting smiley as it's icon. Post a request to the moderators to stick, unstick. If you see something that belongs there but isn't, post a request to the moderators to move it. It might get done. No real overhead for the moderators here at all, really. And no need for a permission.
    If not now, when?
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited May 8, 2006
    rutt wrote:
    Really the thread doesn't even have to be stuck. Just start it. If it's popular enough, it will stay near the top. Maybe use a very attention getting smiley as it's icon. Post a request to the moderators to stick, unstick. If you see something that belongs there but isn't, post a request to the moderators to move it. It might get done. No real overhead for the moderators here at all, really. And no need for a permission.

    Thanks, I was actually about to start doing exactly that :-) thumb.gif

    Cheers! 1drink.gif
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • ruttrutt Registered Users Posts: 6,511 Major grins
    edited May 8, 2006
    No wonder you wanted to do this so badly, Nik. Nice, no eye popping, redhead you got there.
    If not now, when?
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited May 8, 2006
    Thanks, John!
    rutt wrote:
    No wonder you wanted to do this so badly, Nik. Nice, no eye popping, redhead you got there.

    I guess many of us have some aces up our sleeves :D
    It's a crying shame to keep them in hiding :-) rolleyes1.gif

    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • ruttrutt Registered Users Posts: 6,511 Major grins
    edited May 8, 2006
    Here Nik, why not link this in at the top of the Ineligible thread: http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=33752
    If not now, when?
  • gubbsgubbs Registered Users Posts: 3,166 Major grins
    edited May 9, 2006
    There is already confusion with the challenge threads, we frequently have to delete/move posts and answer questions about where to post entries. An
    extra "ineligible" thread would just add to this confusion!
  • xtnomadxtnomad Registered Users Posts: 340 Major grins
    edited May 9, 2006
    I feel Challenged
    Where Am I ? headscratch.gif
    O I am just forum challanged Not Photo challanged!!
    Wait did I umph.gif spell that right.
    xtnomad :wink
  • gusgus Registered Users Posts: 16,209 Major grins
    edited May 9, 2006
    gubbs wrote:
    There is already confusion with the challenge threads, we frequently have to delete/move posts and answer questions about where to post entries. An
    extra "ineligible" thread would just add to this confusion!
    Exactly thumb.gif
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