Let's always have "Ineligible" co-part of the challenge

[ADDED] here's one: http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=33746 [/ADDED]
I liked this idea since my dpreview days. :lust
For uninitiated: with each new challenge I'm suggesting to have a parallel thread, wehre people may post images under exactly the same challenge rules with the following exceptions:
I see people already started posting ineligigble images from time to time, I'd like to see it in a more centralized and organized place.
What do you think?
I liked this idea since my dpreview days. :lust
For uninitiated: with each new challenge I'm suggesting to have a parallel thread, wehre people may post images under exactly the same challenge rules with the following exceptions:
- image is taken outside actual challenge time frame (hence it's by definition "ineligible" for it)
- up to 3 images per person can be added (as opposed to just 1)
- no voting, prizes or anything is awarded
I see people already started posting ineligigble images from time to time, I'd like to see it in a more centralized and organized place.
What do you think?
"May the f/stop be with you!"
Shall we have Ineligible thread with each challenge? 65 votes
Yes, absolutely! Should have been done long time ago!
38 votes
No, that's not needed, too much hassle and confusion
23 votes
I don't care, I don't participate in challenges anyway...
4 votes
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We're NOT going to judge/vote on them. It's purely for inspiration. I often find myself in a situation when I have just what would be perfect for the challenge - only it was taken 3 years ago in a location 3,000 miles away...
So - no managing burden. Just make an extra sticky thread for the duration of the challenge..
We can obviously discuss it, but I always think that the moderation is a virtue.
We want diversity, not dozens of identical shots from the same person.
Andy is an awesome photographer, but.. he's just one. Would you deny Harry, or Shay, or Rutt, or Dee, or many many other talents to share thier work - on the occasion?
If nothing else, the ineligible challenge thread could be a way to spark ideas for submissions, and share photos related to the topic.
Sorry, if you missed the point, Andy used other photogs links to show what was possible, including his own.
I think other dgrinners showing their work with or without a separate critique thread as with the association thread could be interesting.
It got my vote
Best wishes to Dgrin
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
This doesn't need to be moderated, all it needs is to have a thread started
and made into a sticky so it stays on top.
It seems like for every challenge, I had a photo for it, but it was
taken a day to early. I guess I don't see the harm in it, but it's really is up to Andy.
With some of the posts we've seen lately, how long will it be before
someone makes the comment "The final 10 suck, we should be voting on
the ineligibles." and that will just make Andy's or the guest mod's job
more of a pain.
I like the idea, but I don't think people will be leave it alone. So I'm voting No.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Have the sticky thread, no voting, just inspiration!
Site :http://www.tanveer.in
Blog :http://tsk1979.livejournal.com
How about a weekly 'for fun' photo thing. just a thread a week for any subject. No voting, nothing too serious.
Lets say I suggest, the topic "Sports". One thread only dedicated to photographs dealing with sports. Or.. "Love".. one thread full of photos with affection and etc.
It can also be stretched out to like more than a week, up to a month, you know, just to keep us busy.
You would need someone to keep track of when to unpin the thread and when to make new topics but as long as its not as serious as the normal challenge, it wouldnt be too much of hassle, I dont think.
It is a cool idea, to have several 'projects' occuring. But if it is too much of a hassle for the current mods and admins, then just keep the topic in mind, maybe next time we can do it.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
something simpler though. all it would take is making a thread then pinning it. the normal challenge is fun and all but it would be interesting to do more than one project a week.
and yeah, one big sticky wont hurt...if not one sticky thread every challenge. it wont have to be moderated.
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Thanks, I was actually about to start doing exactly that :-)
I guess many of us have some aces up our sleeves
It's a crying shame to keep them in hiding :-)
extra "ineligible" thread would just add to this confusion!
Where Am I ?
O I am just forum challanged Not Photo challanged!!
Wait did I