Anti Illegal Alien Rally
Yesterday, and today, there is a anti ellegal alien rally being held in Santa Clara Ca. I went yesterday afternoon to what kind of photos I could get. Not very many people showed up, but some counter demonstraiters came with some , lets say interesting points of view. Here are a few of the photos I got.
First one is part of a veterans memorial that is located on the park grounds where the rally is being held.
First one is part of a veterans memorial that is located on the park grounds where the rally is being held.
Sam, you have some wonderful pictures there. I especially like the first and second photographs, good work . (you might consider cropping a bit off the left in the second one - ??)
... come along.
I suppose the bottom line on this topic, is that a stranger would have a better chance of being invited to your barbeque , if they approached your home from the front door , and asked if they could join the cookout. Where as, if they just walked into your backyard :tiptoe and started cooking on your grill :eat, with your charcoal, invited their friends and left their empties strewn all around , they might not be so welcome :toni.
This topic sure packs some emotion with it :argue, yet one that should be a "no-brainer"
Oh, and that first pic with the flag, rocks!
I don't really want to get into the whole debate about illegal aliens and such, but I will say that the fact they are protesting irks me. I was born in Canada and when I moved here I had to go through so much shit just to get my green card. If the government was to just give the illegal aliens the same rights that I have worked for years to get (and still don't have as much as born Americans) then it would completely discredit everthing i've done to get where I am now! It's like going into a store and stealing a camera (to get it slightly on topic) and then demad the company honors the warranty when it breaks.
Great pics Sam!
That's all I'll say about it I know it's a touchy/hot topic with some - which is why I try to avoid anything political or religious on 'discussion' forums.
The counter protesters point was this (California, and I am not sure where else) is mexico, and the white supremists should all go back to Europe, and there should be no borders or nations, etc. Oh, and it was a great afront for them to have a rally flying the American flag on cinco de mayo.
Note: The police were keeping the two groups apart (not hard considering the age and non violent demeanor of the American group), but I was able with my camera, to walk back and forth between the two groups. The trick is to smile take photos, have a quick chat with the officers, and not engage in debate.