Where did my galleries go??
When I'm logged out and I click on my "photos" button in my navbar it takes me to my cateogories. If i click on those categories none of my pictures show up in their respective galleries?
Can someone please help????? They show up when I'm logged in so I know they are there.
Can someone please help????? They show up when I'm logged in so I know they are there.
J. Yao
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
Never mind I got them back.
I had to remove the following from my CSS.
Now I get the "Galleries galleries" back at the bottom of my page.
the code as you had it, should not be in there if you have sub-cats, use following instead
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
I put the code in and my pictures are gone again?
Here's what I've got:
If you describe what you are trying to do, we can help. Be very detailed, please.
The code you are using, IS DESIGNED to remove those elements. But you can have your cake and eat it too
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Essentially, I like the clean look when someone clicks on my "photos" navbar button and is presented only with my galleries named, Baseball, Football etc... I don't like the line with "Galleries galleries" underneath.
Further, when they click on their chosen sport it takes them to their respective games. It was working before, but after foolling around in my code to put in the smugsearch it seems to have stopped. Funny thing is I can see my pictures in their subgalleries when I'm logged in but not when I am logged out.
Does any of this make sense? I'm sorry if I'm not too clear.
Jeff, make your code look like this:
/* remove categories box when logged out */
#categoriesBox {display:none;}
.loggedIn #categoriesBox {display:block;}
.category_Galleries #subcategoriesBox {display:none;}
.loggedIn .category_Galleries #subcategoriesBox {display:block;}
And be sure to set categories on the home page to SHOW not HIDE.
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Still not working. I copied your code into my CSS box.
When I take out the last two lines of your code my pictures come back for viewing. When I put those two lines of code in they disappear. I have also clicked "show" on my gallery categories.
As an example, if you go to my page and click on "photos" in the navbar it will take you to a blank page with only Yaopix>Galleries and then "Galleries galleries" at the bottom.
If I remove the last two lines of code I can click, for example,on my "photos" which will result in the following where I can view the pictures. Yaopix>Galleries>Soccer>Simsbury Crush
I still get the "Galleries galleries" though on the bottom.
Any other thoughts? I have left my page with the code in to see if you anyone can "click through" and see my pictures.
You should be all set now. Have a look.
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I still have "Galleries gallleries" showing at the level:
Can that be removed?
I'm sounding like a broken record but.... thank you again!
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You rock!
I love my site and I love Smugmug and it's support team.
P.S. Reviewing these boards it doesn't look like you ever take a day off. You are something - have these guys give you a raise!:D
It seems my subgalleries are missing on my entire site! I just logged onto a different computer other than my home PC (where they were all there)...to discover this....I didn't change any CSS code either. Can anyone else see (or not see) this?...please, anyone assist? Thank you.
Canon EOS 30D, EOS Rebel XT, (2) Canon 430ex ETTL Flash, Canon 70-200mm IS USM L, 28-135mm IS USM lenses, Canon ST-E2 Wireless transmitter, Stroboframe flash bracket, Off camera shoe, Canon Remote Timer
Does this help?
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I'm sorry...I meant to say subcategories....there should be two inside the link above and there is nothing on my end....and all Categories are missing the subcategories I had in them. I saw them fine at home this morning, but when I got to my work PC they're gone...and come to think of it, yesterday afternoon on another PC laptop in my home they were missing too. I just hope my customers are seeing them.
Canon EOS 30D, EOS Rebel XT, (2) Canon 430ex ETTL Flash, Canon 70-200mm IS USM L, 28-135mm IS USM lenses, Canon ST-E2 Wireless transmitter, Stroboframe flash bracket, Off camera shoe, Canon Remote Timer
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I'm still on my work PC...I went into my CSS code and made a change from 'none' to 'block' .. (in bold, I wanted to change color for ease of seeing but don't see the color option above)
#subcategoriesBox .boxBottom {width:675px; text-align:center; height:auto; margin:20px 25px;}
.miniBox .photo {float:none; width:123px; height:auto; _height:1px;}
.miniBox .albumLarge .photoLarge {width:123px;}
.miniBox .albumTitle {width:123px;}
.miniBox .description {display: block;}
.miniBox .updated {display: none;}
#subcategoriesBox .boxBottom .albumLarge {width:132px; height:auto; text-align:center; margin:0 24px;}
.albumLarge .photoLarge {float:none; width:162px; height:auto; _height:1px;}
.albumLarge .albumTitle {width:162px;}
.albumLarge .description {display: block;}
.albumLarge .updated {display: none;}
...and then went back to one of the galleries missing the Subcategory thumbs (where there is supposed to be 10 subcategories) and am able to see 10 horizontal lines where I would normaly see the thumbs and they are all hyperlinked to the gallerries they're supposed to be to...so I'm thinking that maybe the IP address isn't being blocked. I know my CSS needs cleaned up but not knowledgable enough..or brave enough to mess with it.
Canon EOS 30D, EOS Rebel XT, (2) Canon 430ex ETTL Flash, Canon 70-200mm IS USM L, 28-135mm IS USM lenses, Canon ST-E2 Wireless transmitter, Stroboframe flash bracket, Off camera shoe, Canon Remote Timer
It must have been something in my CSS...I brought up a backup from last Friday the 13th and now they're there. Don't know what it was though.
Canon EOS 30D, EOS Rebel XT, (2) Canon 430ex ETTL Flash, Canon 70-200mm IS USM L, 28-135mm IS USM lenses, Canon ST-E2 Wireless transmitter, Stroboframe flash bracket, Off camera shoe, Canon Remote Timer