challenge 24 Photocat: Vista

This is a first tryout for the vista. Trees in the Lake District. Just trees...
I am still trying to go on manual as much as possible, and I must admit that I am getting more comfortable with it.
Oops, these are not the trees, but it is the lake in Windermere. Our hotel overlooked the lake, this is in the morning. The pink was in the sky.
No filters, just tweaked the levels a bit.
I am still trying to go on manual as much as possible, and I must admit that I am getting more comfortable with it.
Oops, these are not the trees, but it is the lake in Windermere. Our hotel overlooked the lake, this is in the morning. The pink was in the sky.
No filters, just tweaked the levels a bit.
This one was taken through the window of the car, so the colors were weird. I put it in sepia for that.
Thanks for looking.
Sigma SD9, SD14, and DP1
I love the way the light (see, sometimes I do notice light), I love the way it comes through the clouds right above the trees, kind of biblical, or not, just really nice................... the light coming down and touching the trees.
The vista out the window or whatever, where you stayed, it would be better if you could open up the dark trees and everything dark, at the bottom.
I kind of have a thing about that, others don't seem to, but I think the judges might as I have never seen a really big dark area get to the finals.
I think the trees are perfect.
A lot of good stuff coming out right now.
g again
There is something going on with the tree/bush in the bottom right corner. Most of the tree seems partially covered by a haze but there is an area at the very bottom edge that isn't. Could just be the monitor on the cheap notebook computer I'm using.
the trees.
You are right. That is a piece of hedge in the foreground. I will corp it a bit or clone it a bit. I had not noticed it.
Thank you guys for all the feedback. As for the first pic. that one will go in my vacation album, I will try to lighten up the foreground, but it is not that important a picture.
So slightly rotate to the right for the trees... Will do so.
Ginger, I am amazed that you find so much in it. What a nice comment to get. Thanks again to all of you.
I'm a little late here, but just wanted to add my 2cents. I love the second one. I agree with the idea of getting the tree trunks vertical. I never would have noticed the "non hazy" spot on the bush. But, If I squint and lean in close, I do see it. (Cletus, you have eagle eyes!) And, I love it in b&w! I've been looking at landscapes to see if I can spot any that I can imagine in b&w. It's funny, I can't find any. Maybe I don't have a good enough imagination. But this is terrific. Maybe it's because it's so "spare". Just a few details.
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