Moon rise over the ocean
suggestions on the shooting. It is tomorrow night. The tripod is in my car.
I plan on trying to get a photo of the full moon coming out of the ocean (the moon does live in the ocean, does it not? hehe).
There is to be a fantastic eclipse at about 10 or 11, that is a long time from the moon rise at 6:28, I might not stay for that. It would just be something to see.
But I have never seen a full moon rise out of the ocean either. My father said that if that were a one time thing and tickets were sold, we would pay a fortune but most of us take it for granted. It is such a pain, and so easy to procrastinate, so scary to be on the beach in the dark. Tomorrow night, because of the eclipse, I would hope that other people would be there.
I would like to try to photograph it. My longest lens is Canon 70-300. It is soft at 300.
Manually prefocus on the furthest object?
set it for daytime???
That is manual settings, I have never done totally manual on the Rebel, but I could try. What settings would anyone recommend?
I would expect to get some of the ocean in the photograph. I would hope to have it show up a bit. I will shoot in RAW. ISO ??? WB ???
Just in general how do I do this? I shot the moon in the air last night, so I know it is not huge in the photo, even at almost 300, neither is it tiny, I don't have two cameras to set up, so I just want to set up the one on the tripod and use the moon in the photo.
It will be dark, I will be flustered and fumbling. Yes, I carry a flashlight, but using it and doing things is difficult at best. I want as much planned ahead as possible??????
I plan on trying to get a photo of the full moon coming out of the ocean (the moon does live in the ocean, does it not? hehe).
There is to be a fantastic eclipse at about 10 or 11, that is a long time from the moon rise at 6:28, I might not stay for that. It would just be something to see.
But I have never seen a full moon rise out of the ocean either. My father said that if that were a one time thing and tickets were sold, we would pay a fortune but most of us take it for granted. It is such a pain, and so easy to procrastinate, so scary to be on the beach in the dark. Tomorrow night, because of the eclipse, I would hope that other people would be there.
I would like to try to photograph it. My longest lens is Canon 70-300. It is soft at 300.
Manually prefocus on the furthest object?
set it for daytime???
That is manual settings, I have never done totally manual on the Rebel, but I could try. What settings would anyone recommend?
I would expect to get some of the ocean in the photograph. I would hope to have it show up a bit. I will shoot in RAW. ISO ??? WB ???
Just in general how do I do this? I shot the moon in the air last night, so I know it is not huge in the photo, even at almost 300, neither is it tiny, I don't have two cameras to set up, so I just want to set up the one on the tripod and use the moon in the photo.
It will be dark, I will be flustered and fumbling. Yes, I carry a flashlight, but using it and doing things is difficult at best. I want as much planned ahead as possible??????
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
ginger dear, why not invite a friend? and btw, i think it's 10/28, thursday night ...
okay first things first: try the moon exposure calculator by shay stephens. this will help you with general exposure settings. and then bracket dear.
yes, shoot in raw! then you don't have to worry about wb, you deal with that in post, remember?
fl? well, 300mm is pretty deep for a landscape shot of the moon rising out of the ocean, i'd consider something wider (but not really wide, else the moon will be a little white dot
practice manual focus on infinity tomorrow. make sure that the object is in focus.
here's an eclipse that shay shot last year
here are the particulars for the lunar eclipse in charleston, south carolina:
Total Eclipse of the Moon
o ' o '
W079 58, N32 49
Eastern Daylight Time
Azimuth Altitude
h m o o
Moonrise 2004 Oct 27 18:23 75.3 ----
Moon enters penumbra 2004 Oct 27 20:05.5 88.0 20.2
Moon enters umbra 2004 Oct 27 21:14.3 97.2 34.4
Moon enters totality 2004 Oct 27 22:23.4 108.9 48.4
Middle of eclipse 2004 Oct 27 23:04.0 118.5 56.2
Moon leaves totality 2004 Oct 27 23:44.6 131.9 63.1
Moon leaves umbra 2004 Oct 28 00:53.7 170.5 70.5
Moon leaves penumbra 2004 Oct 28 02:02.7 216.5 67.3
Moonset 2004 Oct 28 08:00 288.3 ----
you can type in your city here on this website to get the details
and here's a great site on lunar eclipse photography
hey, you're on the beach, maybe you can do this: (from above website)
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It was our paper this AM that said it is Wed night, and some of that info is the 27th (wed night) and the 28th (after midnight).
I am sure it will be in the paper again tomorrow. There are place that are setting up telescopes so people can come join the party on a closer basis. I just want to be on the beach. for the moon rise, my actual interest.
I have a 28-135 lens, I could use that. It is supposed to be my walk around lens, but I am always changing lenses. I just won't know what the moon looks like coming out of the water until it actually does, so the size is kind of important. Maybe there will be an expert down there.
Or more likely they will think I am an expert,
I, uh, keep telling people, posting it and stuff, I don't have any "actual" friends. My friends are cyber people, one of whom lives in the DC area, I spent the night at her place last week. She and I both have dogs. I posted a photo of her dogs somewhere, haven't gotten around to working up more. I could post a photo of her, call her an actual friend of ginger.:D
Yup, I have always had one close friend until I moved to Charleston (I can hear better one on one), moved here and never met anyone where we "clicked". I am not your usual person: I don't entertain and stuff, take that and the hearing thing, well, it takes a special person. I have almost always had one. I hated Charleston, was absolutely miserable.
I kind of like it now, it is home. But on Columbus day, I knew it was a holiday, couldn't think of anyone to call to ask which holiday. Kind of funny when my best friend suddenly became my therapist's receptionist.
Bill can meet me at the beach for about an hour if it is tomorrow night. I doubt if he can do that on Thurs, so I hope it is tomorrow. And I hope the clouds go away for awhile.
Smile, ginger
You kind of have to be "different" to be my friend, I am not your every day 65 yr old. I had a great friend til I moved here, we were not friends as couples, she and I got to know each other because I had a trampoline she wanted to jump on, so we did that........ went back to school together, got together here and there, told each other all our secrets and stuff that no one else knows, we were kind of crazy, both of us. (She could play the "normal" role, too) I have never wanted to do that.
Maureen and I were both artists in our own ways, maybe that made a difference. We both started out as art majors. I switched to biology. The biology people were more fun. Scientists are more arty than artists.
Oh, again, thank you for the info! Those were great photos of the eclipse at one site. I don't think I can do that because of the multiple exposure thing. If anyone reading this knows that dRebels do multiple exposures, please let me know. I have been reading the manual. I don't think they do.
ginger, multiple exposures are done in post, by layering multiple images on top of one another. you talke the shots, we'll show you how to stack them. it's *not* a function of your rebel.
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