While browsing through the most popular images of all time, suddenly about 5 pages of images of "that" tennis player appeared from nowhere (btw how on earth do they permission from Gettys, Reuters etc to republish them). By appeared from nowhere I mean that I was on page 3, refreshed, and all of the images I was looking at had gone to be replaced with these. The same images did not appear on today's favourites.
How can images sudenly make it to the top few pages of most popular images ever, without at the same time appearing on today's most popular. As far as I can tell none of the image appeared previously in the top 1000?
:dunno :dunno :dunno
How can images sudenly make it to the top few pages of most popular images ever, without at the same time appearing on today's most popular. As far as I can tell none of the image appeared previously in the top 1000?
:dunno :dunno :dunno
Checking into it, thanks Gary.
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