Wacom Tablets Or???

I'm looking for some input on buying a tablet for editing in CS. Any advice??? I have barely begun to look and don't know where to start. I know years ago I admired the Cintiq, but they were waaaay out of my price range. I am doing a lousy job with the mouse on my Sony VAIO, leaving "trails" everywhere. I would appreciate your input on effectiveness, costs, what's new out there that you would like to acquire??? What do you use and what are it's limitations??? Thanks in advance. :scratch
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I agree. Sure, the Intuos range adds a few things that might help people doing this day in, day out, but I've never found the Graphire (I believe I have v2) lacking for my evening hours editing.
I use a TabletPC and 2 graphics tablets extensively. I would actually recomend the graphics tablet over the Tablet PC. Hence I'm not so convinced by the Cintiq anyway.
I have servere RSI and can't use a normal mouse for very long. I have both a Graphire and an Intuos, I much prefer the pen that comes with the Intuos, it's substantially more ergonomic (IMHO). If this matters to you get and Intuos, otherwise a Graphire will probably be better value for you.
The main disadvantage is that tool-tips (hover cursor) requires skill and practice, using one as fast as a mouse for general use takes a bit of practice.
However, IMHO, once you've used one for image editting, you'll never go back.
Hope this helps,
SmugSoftware: www.smugtools.com
One of my favorite Web artist uses the Cintiq to draw and color. I think the quality of the Cintiq is better than a Tablet PC.
I don't remember but does the Tablet PC have levels of pressure so that strokes come out thicker when you press harder?
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When I had the old ArtZ tablet, the skinny pen hurt my hand, so I got one of those rubber attachments you can slide onto a pencil for a better grip, and put it on the stylus. That could help with the Graphire pen.
They come with a mouse, but I really dislike the feel of Wacom mice compared to a real mouse.
It is harder to maintain position over a single spot with a stylus. With a mouse, you simply let go of it and the cursor won't move. With a stylus, the slightest hand tremble moves the cursor. Sometimes it is hard to click precisely with the stylus because it shifts as you press down on the tip to click; I work on a laptop, so my solution for that is to position the stylus with my right hand and do the click with my left hand on the laptop trackpad button.
I love my Wacom, though.
The interface for a Cintiq is different, almost certainly more suitable. The tablet is intended for mobility and interaction with Windows as much as anything.
My comment was more inclined to the ergonomics not being to everybody's taste, so given my experience with a Tablet, I would strongly recomend that someone try a Cintiq before paying the however many $1000s they cost.
And yes, the tablet is pressure sensitive.
I'm not knockng Cintiq, I want to trial one when I buy a replacement workstation, but I would not be at all suprisied if some photographers actually prefered an Intuos.
SmugSoftware: www.smugtools.com
I have a
wacom Graphite 4 x 6 and I really like it....comtemplating selling it to move up to a 12 x 12 or larger tablet.
I also have been looking at pen mice, most I have looked at have a resolution of upto 800 - 1000 dpi, so I figure they would be fine for working on photos and most allow you to work directly on your curent screen...so need for a wacom cintiq (which are just way too pricey for me anyway)
pen mice links:
I think this size is just about right
For web surfing I use the mouse for drawing and photo editing I use the pen.
Some have trouble getting used to it some don't
Get one and don't give up on it...you'll love it