Delurking Myself
I have been lurking for a while and learning quite a bit from everyone. So I thought maybe it was time to take some risks and see if i could learn some more from critiques.
My setup is a Nikon D50 with the standard 18-55MM lens and a recently added a Tamron XR 28-200MM. I have one Alienbee (B400), but no flash meter, so I do some guessing with using the LCD and histogram. I have only used it about 4 times so far and learn more each time.
This shot is my 10 month old daughter Libby. She's quite mobile and was crawling toward me while we were shooting. So she's a bit forward of the flash, and suffers from Wide angle "Big head", but it is still my favorite picture.
Things I'd like to do more: Shoot more, get a 50MM 1.8, get a flash meter.
My setup is a Nikon D50 with the standard 18-55MM lens and a recently added a Tamron XR 28-200MM. I have one Alienbee (B400), but no flash meter, so I do some guessing with using the LCD and histogram. I have only used it about 4 times so far and learn more each time.
This shot is my 10 month old daughter Libby. She's quite mobile and was crawling toward me while we were shooting. So she's a bit forward of the flash, and suffers from Wide angle "Big head", but it is still my favorite picture.
Things I'd like to do more: Shoot more, get a 50MM 1.8, get a flash meter.
My Gallery
The B and W conversion was an action based on the Gorman method. However I must admit that my wife first did the conversion using Google's Picasa, and I still have trouble seeing the difference. Picasa is easy for her to use, but she hasn't realized the power of layers just yet.