smugmug down??

Currently all sites I tried redirect to, browse shows anything and there are zero communities. :dunno
It looks like my site doesn't exist. Where's the page notifing the user that there's currently a problem and you're working on it?
It looks like my site doesn't exist. Where's the page notifing the user that there's currently a problem and you're working on it?
SmugMug Support Hero
SmugMug Support Hero
Yep... went down for me just after 4 PM CST.
SmugMug Support Hero
I didn't get paged for anything (bumming around SF today generally offline unless called), so it was probably a bad webserver that didn't get cycled out fast enough. I'll take a look at the logs later, sorry for any inconvenience.
One thing to note, though, is that two of our providers (one of which isn't handling a lot of traffic for us anyway at the moment) is having some latency issues. I haven't heard back on the status, but they are working on it.
Guess someone was having an afternoon nap where 15min aren't much.
So the smugmug main page is separated from the actual user pages with the data?
SmugMug Support Hero
I was just speculating that something might have gotten wedged at the right place and time (i.e. webserver in agony starts to get really bad, but before the load balancers catch it and remove it from service). The window of opportunity for something like this to happen is typically really small, quick enough to avoid detection except for the lucky few.
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