I also like the colored version. Then again, I'm a sucker for the way leaves on a tree filter harsh sunlight. I usually find that blown parts only add to images like that, since it shows that the light without the trees is very harsh, but still the filtered light gives that yellow/greenish glow.
I agree. Nice effect.
thank you very much for the comments-
this was done with same pic, two exposures then combined-
then tweaked, converted to bw, then tweaked again and then a sepia tone-
the leaves and whatever grass there was was color range selected, moved over to the bw, and desaturated some-
some of the brown of the creek was done the same way-
I find dealing with sunshine very tiresome; I shall start praying for gray, overcast days-
I will post the color to this in just a bit-
thanks again-
color version-
I appreciate the thought re light-
something to consider next time I deal with it-