Home Run Ball!

I went to the Mariners/Angels game today and caught Yuniesky Betancourt's 4th inning home run ball! (It did bounce off the concrete outside the bullpen first).

Video is available here. Click on the "350K" next to "Betancourt's two-run HR:" in the related links on the right side.
Everyone around me was booing and telling me to throw it back. As an M's fan, I just gloated and waved the ball around. It was sweeeeet!
Just had to share... Gareth immediately enjoyed the sweet taste of victory (ie. he ate the ball). M's won the game, too!

Video is available here. Click on the "350K" next to "Betancourt's two-run HR:" in the related links on the right side.
Everyone around me was booing and telling me to throw it back. As an M's fan, I just gloated and waved the ball around. It was sweeeeet!
Just had to share... Gareth immediately enjoyed the sweet taste of victory (ie. he ate the ball). M's won the game, too!
smugmug: www.StandOutphoto.smugmug.com