Questions about filters - what does your filter collection look like?
Hello everyone. I'm fairly new to the SLR world and had some questions about filters.
1. What is the difference between single and double threading? I bought a HOYA Super HMC Circ Polarizer (single threading) and was surprised that I couldn't put my lens cap on it. Would a filter with double threading allow me to do that? I was hoping to keep the polarizer on the lens most of the time...
2. How do you all buy your filters? I usually buy UV's for each lens, but it probably won't be economically feasible to do the same for polarizers. I read that most people buy them at 58 and 77mm and get step-up/down rings as needed. What do you all opt to do? If I use a stepup ring would it prevent the hens hood from being used?
Thanks for the help!
1. What is the difference between single and double threading? I bought a HOYA Super HMC Circ Polarizer (single threading) and was surprised that I couldn't put my lens cap on it. Would a filter with double threading allow me to do that? I was hoping to keep the polarizer on the lens most of the time...
2. How do you all buy your filters? I usually buy UV's for each lens, but it probably won't be economically feasible to do the same for polarizers. I read that most people buy them at 58 and 77mm and get step-up/down rings as needed. What do you all opt to do? If I use a stepup ring would it prevent the hens hood from being used?
Thanks for the help!
Looks like that filter has no front thread, but comes with its own filter cap.
I would not recommend always shooting with a polarizer filter mounted. It's not necessary in many (most) shots. And it will make some shots worse by causing uneven lighting in the sky unless the sun is at the correct angle.
Mounting UV filters is your choice. But again, there have virtually no benefit on a digital camera. If you simply want to protect your lens, always mount the lens hood, it's much better protection.
Lots of folks here use step down rings for their filters. If there's a downside, I haven't heard it. I have no personal experience with them.
Here's a dgrin search on UV filters, via Google.
Here's a dgrin search for circular polarizers, via Google.
And here's a dgrin search on step down rings, via Google.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
some others that you may wish to think about-
neutral density filters for very bright conditions or for slowing moving water like waterfalls etc-start out with lighter ones first
infrared filter for IR -hoya R72 being the most used one
for landscape a graduated neutral density filter, to darken the sky and expose foreground properly
if really serious about landacape you can now get sunset grad nd's and sunrise -slightly different colour temperature-probably going too far though!
soft portrait filter-softar is one brand-very expensive though
Longitude: 145° 08'East
Canon 20d,EFS-60mm Macro,Canon 85mm/1.8. Pentax Spotmatic SP,Pentax Super Takumars 50/1.4 &135/3.5,Pentax Super-Multi-Coated Takumars 200/4 ,300/4,400/5.6,Sigma 600/8.
Cokin P Holders (regular and wide angle). Which still vignetted on a 16mm wide end
Hi-Tech P size ND .6 solid, .9 solid (2 and 3 stops)
Hi-Tech P size GND .3, .6, .9 (1, 2, and 3 stops BTW)
Cokin P-series Circ-PL
I never use UV filters. I have my lens cap on until I mount the filters I use, and then once I take the filters off the lens cap goes on.
Here is what I just bought, or are in teh process of buying
Hi-Tech 4X4 1.2, .9, .6 Solid ND's
Hi-Tech 4X6 .9, .6, .3 GND's
Cokin Z-Pro Holder
Various Cokin adapter rings
I will be getting a Hoya or B+W 10 stop solid also.
Not sure if I will buy a polarizer for this setup. (I can count the times I used the P size one, on one hand)
I get all my stuff through