Pictures from Greenwuch - comments and critiique welcome

Part of the mad 1 hour dash down to Grenwich in London this weekend. Pictures from the old tall ship the cutty shark and the Royal Naval Academy.
All comments and critique welcome .
1. St Pauls Royal Naval Chapel & 2. The Royal Navy Bible

3 & 4. Sylvia nd her colleague - Ushers at the Painetd hall.

4. The ceiling to the entrance of the painted hall

5. Rigging on the Cutty Shark

6. More rigging & 7. The Ships bell - i cropped the shot a bit too much.

8 The deck of the Cutty shark(slight crop from the top) and 9. The crews kitchen

10. Anchor chain - well thast where it seemed to be heading &
11. Flags .... slightly cropped from the top and the left.

12. Back to the Chapel. the courtyard. Need to reshoot this

All comments and critique welcome .
1. St Pauls Royal Naval Chapel & 2. The Royal Navy Bible

3 & 4. Sylvia nd her colleague - Ushers at the Painetd hall.

4. The ceiling to the entrance of the painted hall

5. Rigging on the Cutty Shark

6. More rigging & 7. The Ships bell - i cropped the shot a bit too much.

8 The deck of the Cutty shark(slight crop from the top) and 9. The crews kitchen

10. Anchor chain - well thast where it seemed to be heading &
11. Flags .... slightly cropped from the top and the left.

12. Back to the Chapel. the courtyard. Need to reshoot this

really liked 5, 7, and 9-
5 best of all-
thanks for posting-
sony dsc-v3, p200, toshiba pdr-3300, canon xt-350d
Thanks for checking and commeting on the pics - was kind of lucky with the portraits although Sylvia's colleague was a real snob. Had real trouble with the ship itself just couldn't work out which angles to and composition to go for. I'm thinking about may be going back later to have another attempt at the ship itself.