Recommendation needed for

flash arm.
I have a 580ex and better beamer that I want to get off the camera.
Whats out there
I have a 580ex and better beamer that I want to get off the camera.
Whats out there
I use this one with the 20D,717,828,K1000 and the Sunpak 383 or 580ex...
only complaint is right hand on the bottom...but I get used to it.
Strobo flip
This is the one I would like to try Custom Brackets
This will be used for tele and I would like something that would attach to the lens?
Cincinnati Smug Leader
same difference right? i mean couldn't you just attach the lens tripod mount to the spot where the camera would go?
I'm using Stroboframe Press-T and I'm pretty happy with it. The only awkward couple of things is that:
- it's a pain in the neck to attach/detach it to/from the body, especially if you're using an extra grip (I decided to NOT use extra grip with it)
- in transport mode it has a weird shape, so it's kinda a hassle if you're pressed for space.
However it's very convenient to use.HTH
The "Better Beamer" is a rather unique device that needs to be fairly well aligned to the axis of the lens. Moving it too far away can make it difficult to aim, not to mention that you will need an expensive cord to keep full communication with the camera.
I'm not saying not to do it, I've been thinking of building my own "beamer", and my early tests show that alignment becomes critical and difficult when I try to collimate the beam too much, which I need to do to gain maximum throw.
Good luck,
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
style plate. That would probably offer the "best" alignment.
Fred, does the StroboFlip (and/or QuickFlip) have it's own mount point for a tri/monopod (I'm assuming it attaches to the camera's -pod attachment point)?
my words, my "pro"pictures, my "fun" pictures, my videos.
If you have a longer lens with an Arca-Swiss plate on it then these work really well:
I have a 300 and a 500 that I use with the Sidekick and the F6 flash bracket on a 550ex with a better beamer. Works like a champ.
Has just the wingnut for camera