Ibiza: Two Simple Pics

I just got back from a week on Ibiza, a small Mediterranean island where I lived for many years in a previous life. I shot a ridiculous number of pics and I expect to post some more in the coming weeks. Here are a couple of minimalist efforts:

Thanks for looking. C&C always welcome.

Thanks for looking. C&C always welcome.
very very nice-
I particularly like the first one-
thanks for posting-
Cincinnati Smug Leader
I look forward to seeing more from Ibiza!
... come along.
Rich: you are right about the uneven sky on the right, but I'm not sure it's a matter of tilt. True right angles are hard to find in Ibiza, as many of the buildings are quite old and are wider at the base than at the top. I could rotate it a bit to even it out, I suppose. There are a whole bunch of Ibiza pics in my Smugmug New Pics gallery if you want to see more, but they are definitely not minimalist.
I think I see what you mean... there are other irregularities to be found in the shot if you look close enough, and they don't all "match" so it must be the building. Sometimes, these things are a help to a shot anyway. That something is slightly off, even if initially imperceptible, will register in the viewer's brain and cause them to look longer. Proof? Well, I've stared at this shot for quite some time
I took a tour of your gallery as well. Some very nice shots and I think I'd like to visit.
all the best,
... come along.
Very nice. Even your shots that are indoor/outdoor are well exposed. What a beautiful place. I'm going to have to send your gallery to my wife- on second thought, she'll want to plan a vacation...
Glad you liked it. Thanks, Fred.
(that's the next island along)
Thanks for looking Rich. It's worth a visit, but avoid the heavy tourist season (July/August) if at all possible.
Have a great time.
Granted theres nothing but cowpies out here to shoot and architecture is more rare than a full set of teeth...
that being said... I love number one! My mind just doesnt work in the way it should to be able to get shots like that.. even if there WERE places like that nearby...
It invokes wonderful feelings for me... sigh. Makes me wanna travel. Makes me wanna travel far away from podunkville... with NO kids and a pair of flipflops! ;o)
Thanks for sharing... its inspiring!
Thanks for the comment, Yvette.
Thanks, Saurora. Glad you liked it.
Makes me think of "powdered donuts".
Seriously, how fortunate your are, to have travelled to a place like that. Can't wait to see more of Ibiza.
Good stuff Richard...