these were taken a couple of weeks ago, but i can go reshoot at any time... the bridge is an old abandoned Rail Road... and the building is an old Grist Mill. Openions please
The first one is a bit busy with the tree bracnhes.
The second one could use some more contrast.
I like the third one the most because of the contrasing red also feels the most nostalgic.
About the photo: Maybe it would be possible to go and take the picture a better day, not so cloudy. And you could also choose the time of the day. It is better in the morning or in the evening. Depends on the orientation of the scene/bridge. Maybe there is an hour when the sun is shinning softly on the bridge ... You could improve the composition making the shot not so 'busy' with trees...
About the photo: For me it needs DOF and sharpness. I would reconsider the composition using the rule of the thirds too. The end of the road could/should be at the 1/3 up right.
About the 3.ed photo: Step back. Choose a better day and a better hour. Use some branch to compose the picture.
It is more difficult to criticize than to do it yourself ... So, if you ever see my pictures and you think they are not so good, you know why ...:
Please post the others photos you are going to take in this very thread for us to see. Thank you.
Any of the pictures will do I suppose. Its cool scenery, people like me who grew up in the far west cant really relate as far as huge bridges in mountain sides, but I'm sure theres a lot of people here that can. I would suggest submitting the 2nd one, I like that one the most. Play with the curves and give it a soft focus look if you can, oh and submit a much larger photo! good luck!
The second one could use some more contrast.
I like the third one the most because of the contrasing red also feels the most nostalgic.
About the photo:
And you could also choose the time of the day.
It is better in the morning or in the evening.
Depends on the orientation of the scene/bridge.
Maybe there is an hour when the sun is shinning softly on the bridge ...
You could improve the composition making the shot not so 'busy' with trees...
About the photo:
I would reconsider the composition using the rule of the thirds too.
The end of the road could/should be at the 1/3 up right.
About the 3.ed photo:
Choose a better day and a better hour.
Use some branch to compose the picture.
It is more difficult to criticize than to do it yourself ... So, if you ever see my pictures and you think they are not so good, you know why ...
Please post the others photos you are going to take in this very thread for us to see. Thank you.
The composition of #3 is just a bit too boring for me. I personally like #2 a lot.