Show Prices On Website? Good or Bad?

For a photography business website, is it better to show your prices or leave them off the site so they have to call?
Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein :bash
- Kevin
- Kevin
Speaking purely as a consumer, I would be far less likely to buy anything if I can't see the price. Only if I really, really, really wanted it would I make an exception.
I would definately show prices. Otherwise visitors may just think its a personal site for showing photos.
But I suppose if your business is something like wedding photography, a "call for pricing" would be acceptable.
-John Muir
Nature Photographers Community
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- Kevin
That does not work for an outfit that relies on the hard sell to make their money of course. They want anyone and everyone to call in the hopes they can upsell. So it really depends on your business model. You have to pick the right one for you.
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