Any DC area photogs?

I got a voicemail from a friend. Apparently he is working on the campaign of someone, I don't know who, and they'd like to get a fairly cheap photog for some coverage at an event in DC, in July IIRC. I left him a voicemail back saying I can't do it because I have a full time job, but that he should call me back anyways. I wonder if we've got any people here who'd do it on the cheap, more to have a fun experience than for money.
It's not my normal gig, but I'm in the area. Hit me with the details and I'll see what I can do.
*I live in D.C. proper. Where's the event being held? Send me information via pm if you'd like.
... come along.
BTW, need some summer work? IIRC you just finished your second year right? Check out and e-mail your resume over to (I"m temping in house over there at a desk where someone d rogers used to use apparently...if you do get a job through them though, since I referred you I'd get a bit of money so it'd be win win).
really? I never would have guessed, seeing as how you are working/temping in DC and are from NC, that you were a minor.
Well, either way, let me know what you decide and some of the details of the event; if I'm available, I might swing through regardless.
take care,
... come along.
I'm not a minor, but I still have to get their permission for everything (he who has the power to pay tuition has the power to rule
June 5-6 apparently 6pm until like 8pm at the capitol building south
Hi there,
I'm in Bethesda, also home to MarlinSpike -- correct? Don't forget to join me one night when I photograph the Bethesda Big Train. Sounds like you're back in town. If I recall, graduation is on Mother's Day, so the school year must be over.
Sorry, no time for the politician....
Any other Bethesda photographers here?
Take care,
Lisa (Bethesda Big Train Baseball Photos)
Kammerman Portraits (Portraits, Events, Children with Special Needs, Daycare)
Photography Referral System
Oh, and for the record it's Marlinspike...well Marlinspike Manor I suppose, it's a reference to Captain Haddock's mansion in the Tintin comic books I used to read as a kid.
We loved Tintin, but i don't remember Marlinspike.
I do the baseball photography for Bethesda Big Train ( Opening night is June 9. Big Train was Walter Johnson's nickname. His childhood home stands at the NW corner of Old Georgetown Rd and Cedar Lane, and Walter Johnson high school is named for him as well.
The games are tons of fun!
Lisa (Bethesda Big Train Baseball Photos)
Kammerman Portraits (Portraits, Events, Children with Special Needs, Daycare)
Photography Referral System
Oh right, I knew that. I was thinking Bethesda big train, not Bethesda Big Train (I was wondering where there was a large locomotive in Bethesda).
I forget the name of the Tintin where Marlinspike was introduced, but it was a two-parter involving Cpt Haddock being kidnapped, then later they hit the ocean and went looking for treasure, only to find it was in the basement of Marlinspike Manor the whole time. I have all of the ones that were translated into English in my basement, plus Tintin in Africa which never made it's way into English because...well quite frankly it's kinda racist.