All comments and ideas welcome
......thank you for your comments and ideas ahead of time :
I think this is excellent. I'm not so sure about the animation. It is a cool effect, but animated GIFs are contemporary and to me that works against the nostalgia theme. In another context it would be great but I wouldn't use it for the challenge. The image is strong enough without it.
I think this is excellent. I'm not so sure about the animation. It is a cool effect, but animated GIFs are contemporary and to me that works against the nostalgia theme. In another context it would be great but I wouldn't use it for the challenge. The image is strong enough without it.
Just my € .02.
Thank You my friend, I can relate to your thoughts on the animation....I will think about that......:D
Hmmm... I'm thinking about what Richard said. I sorta agree. But...everything about the shot, the old theater, the movie title, the processing used says "nostalgia". The animation reminds us that were in the present reflecting upon the past. I don't know what I'm rambling about! It might work against you in the contest or it might work for you. I personally, like your creativity and daring.
Blinking or animated neon signs have been around for years. When I think of the old theater signs or diner signs I think of movement. The marquees had movement, that was the delivery system for the advertising. The more the sign blinked the more you looked at it. While we are all use to photos being still and telling their stories, I think it a novel touch to add a little animation. Just goes to show the many different ways a photo can speak to us. I like it.
Hmmm... I'm thinking about what Richard said. I sorta agree. But...everything about the shot, the old theater, the movie title, the processing used says "nostalgia". The animation reminds us that were in the present reflecting upon the past. I don't know what I'm rambling about! It might work against you in the contest or it might work for you. I personally, like your creativity and daring.
You're absolutely right, it would be fun and interesting to see how it works out.... scratch:D
Blinking or animated neon signs have been around for years. When I think of the old theater signs or diner signs I think of movement. The marquees had movement, that was the delivery system for the advertising. The more the sign blinked the more you looked at it. While we are all use to photos being still and telling their stories, I think it a novel touch to add a little animation. Just goes to show the many different ways a photo can speak to us. I like it.
Thank You.....I love yours too.....the drive in movie theatre brings back lots of wonderful memories
Too bad I never related to that movie!!! But it is so appropriate.
I had not thought about the movement being contemporary. Now that I think! However it does make it memorable and is eye catching!
Who is going to write a tutorial on how to do that, or do you need to buy something?
Aww, Thank You
Just PM me anytime Ginger, I have links to some free programs and I can help with any questions as you go along.......well........MOST questions anyway
Aww, Thank You
Just PM me anytime Ginger, I have links to some free programs and I can help with any questions as you go along.......well........MOST questions anyway
Hey, here's an idea. Don't know whether this is possible, but it would be fabulous if you could change the animation so that instead of flat letters it looked like brightly colored incandescent or neon lights. Charbu is right that blinking stuff is really quite old. So maybe try making the animation look old too.
Hey, here's an idea. Don't know whether this is possible, but it would be fabulous if you could change the animation so that instead of flat letters it looked like brightly colored incandescent or neon lights. Charbu is right that blinking stuff is really quite old. So maybe try making the animation look old too.
Haha, its funny you mentioned favorite color is hot pink, but I had thought of dgrin flourescent green, or a flourescent blue, or even RED letters...........
Haha, its funny you mentioned favorite color is hot pink, but I had thought of dgrin flourescent green, or a flourescent blue, or even RED letters...........
Go for it . Another thought is to animate the letters of the theater sign instead. That would give you more room to work in. Like, say, a neon outline that flashes on and off, or lights up each letter in turn then flashes the whole thing and shuts off.
Go for it . Another thought is to animate the letters of the theater sign instead. That would give you more room to work in. Like, say, a neon outline that flashes on and off, or lights up each letter in turn then flashes the whole thing and shuts off.
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
I like ALL those ideas......I will see if I can pull any of them off
You do some wonderful animations, and your perspective is always refreshing. It is nice to see a photo which doesn't quite fit into an expected format.
"Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again."
You do some wonderful animations, and your perspective is always refreshing. It is nice to see a photo which doesn't quite fit into an expected format.
I think it's great! The way the neon sign lights up get's your attention and and makes you feel the nostalgia. Goes really well with the old time style of the theater building. I always loved that movie. : Great job Saynt.:D
I'm not sure if animated gifs are allowed as an entry, I think it would be more like a movie or a short clip than a photograph if you ask me. but do remember that the photos must be 150kb or less in size and when you degrade animations to fit a certain size, you're going to lose a lot of the distinct quality from normal to smaller sizes.
now about your photo, i think its a good idea, however, to me, the only nostalgic presence in it is the old gone with the wind flyer/photo. also, it looks like you edited the entire banner area and recreated the banner on your own, rather than allowing it to look authentic. the edges of the letters and the black rectangle also have a lot of..i think the term best describing it would be 'noise'. it looks like a highly degraded jpeg image.
i really think you should reshoot and have more ideas and photos ready and not just stick to this one alone. theres still plenty of time left so you should keep at it.
Thank you for your help Mr Peas.....I will have to look into that, I had not noticed anywhere that gif's were not allowed...please link me if you know where that rule is.....and also I thought you had no size limitation if you linked to your own Smugmug site........please correct me if I am wrong, and I shall post a non animated version instead..... and again, thank you
Thank you for your help Mr Peas.....I will have to look into that, I had not noticed anywhere that gif's were not allowed...please link me if you know where that rule is.....and also I thought you had no size limitation if you linked to your own Smugmug site........please correct me if I am wrong, and I shall post a non animated version instead..... and again, thank you
You are ok Brig with the size since it is linked to your Smugmug site. And as far as my interpretation of the rules, which I quote "* let your creativity and imagination run wild. any and all photoshop etc :ps is allowed", I believe use of gifs would fall under "etc"??? Would it not???? To be cautious, I guess you should double-check with those "who know"!!!!
Well, I guess I could PM someone, but mostly, at least for me, the challenge is about having fun, and learning I guess I will leave it for now since I had fun making it, and some people enjoy it I suppose even if I asked Andy, he would prolly say it is up to me.....just a guess.....dunno, shall see........thats part of the fun part
I'm pretty sure Andy would have told me by now, or deleted it if there was a no gif's rule.
Sounds With In The Rules To Me
Love the shot Great work . Don't let other opinions change your plan completely, i like the idea of the neon colors but it is above my knowlege, something i need to add to my ( get to know how to do list ).
Love the shot Great work . Don't let other opinions change your plan completely, i like the idea of the neon colors but it is above my knowlege, something i need to add to my ( get to know how to do list ).
thank you xtnomad......I have gotten lots of ideas to try on this would be difficult to pick one
so I think I will just stick with it as it is........just simple......the animated "Now Showing" just seemed like the right thing to do at the moment, and if peeps get a little giggle out of it, or feel like learning animation, then I am happy
animation is a LOT of fun........I hope you look into it.......its not hard at all
Just my € .02.
Thank You my friend, I can relate to your thoughts on the animation....I will think about that......:D
I have lots of help to offer if you would like.....just pm me anytime
You're absolutely right, it would be fun and interesting to see how it works out....
Thank You.....I love yours too.....the drive in movie theatre brings back lots of wonderful memories
Too bad I never related to that movie!!! But it is so appropriate.
I had not thought about the movement being contemporary. Now that I think! However it does make it memorable and is eye catching!
Who is going to write a tutorial on how to do that, or do you need to buy something?
Aww, Thank You
Just PM me anytime Ginger, I have links to some free programs and I can help with any questions as you go along.......well........MOST questions anyway
Haha, its funny you mentioned favorite color is hot pink, but I had thought of dgrin flourescent green, or a flourescent blue, or even RED letters...........
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
I like ALL those ideas......I will see if I can pull any of them off
Thank are too nice
Henri Cartier Bresson are such a nice Wizard
Classical overall idea nicely presented.
Theaters in general create a separate reality from the world outside.
Isolating the building from the background enhances that separate reality.
The subtle tones and colors are reminiscent of a previous era.
Even the name is nostalgic.
The animation is an attention grabber.
Reminds me of a Turner Classic Movie my thinking, a professional presentation.
Good job!
WOW.........THANK YOU.......and from such a respected photographer.......I really feel thrilled ......that made me really happy
now about your photo, i think its a good idea, however, to me, the only nostalgic presence in it is the old gone with the wind flyer/photo. also, it looks like you edited the entire banner area and recreated the banner on your own, rather than allowing it to look authentic. the edges of the letters and the black rectangle also have a lot of..i think the term best describing it would be 'noise'. it looks like a highly degraded jpeg image.
i really think you should reshoot and have more ideas and photos ready and not just stick to this one alone. theres still plenty of time left so you should keep at it.
You are ok Brig with the size since it is linked to your Smugmug site. And as far as my interpretation of the rules, which I quote "* let your creativity and imagination run wild. any and all photoshop etc :ps is allowed", I believe use of gifs would fall under "etc"??? Would it not???? To be cautious, I guess you should double-check with those "who know"!!!!
I'm pretty sure Andy would have told me by now, or deleted it if there was a no gif's rule.
Love the shot Great work
thank you xtnomad......I have gotten lots of ideas to try on this would be difficult to pick one
so I think I will just stick with it as it is........just simple......the animated "Now Showing" just seemed like the right thing to do at the moment, and if peeps get a little giggle out of it, or feel like learning animation, then I am happy
animation is a LOT of fun........I hope you look into it.......its not hard at all