Some excitement in the neighborhood in the late evening. Grabbed the long lens and headed outside but kept a safe distance. Have camera will travel. :rofl
Yeah, they looked really "pumped up" for action, don't they! I laughed at the casual stance in the first shot, while I was expecting some "action" shot! Good thing you stayed out of their way, Boogie!
I am still learning and every post I see here highlights for me one more assumption I have/had that turns out to be WRONG!
What did I from your images - you don't have to have perfectly exposed, bright images to convey a message. These may be perfectly exposes (I'll let someone else judge that) but they are not bright. But they are great and I perceive a message!
Thanks for posting. I really enjoyed these images.
I am still learning and every post I see here highlights for me one more assumption I have/had that turns out to be WRONG!
What did I from your images - you don't have to have perfectly exposed, bright images to convey a message. These may be perfectly exposes (I'll let someone else judge that) but they are not bright. But they are great and I perceive a message!
Thanks for posting. I really enjoyed these images.
Comment much appreciated Scott.
There was enough available light from the trucks and street lamps... and the telephone pole helped me steady my lens. I'm NOT a tripod person so I look for anything to help me steady my camera. I agree their not tack sharp but I got the look I was shooting for. I shot approx. 30 pics and these 3 where the winners. Go out and experiment on early/late evening is cheap!
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Anyways it was only a couch on fire that they threw on the balcony and I gained some people shots.
I am still learning and every post I see here highlights for me one more assumption I have/had that turns out to be WRONG!
What did I from your images - you don't have to have perfectly exposed, bright images to convey a message. These may be perfectly exposes (I'll let someone else judge that) but they are not bright. But they are great and I perceive a message!
Thanks for posting. I really enjoyed these images.
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Comment much appreciated Scott.
There was enough available light from the trucks and street lamps... and the telephone pole helped me steady my lens. I'm NOT a tripod person so I look for anything to help me steady my camera. I agree their not tack sharp but I got the look I was shooting for. I shot approx. 30 pics and these 3 where the winners. Go out and experiment on early/late evening is cheap!
Be careful when you follow those fire trucks.