Do you think this is a landscape?

I have a series of these I took last night and I think I want to submit one as this one is titled, a "waterscape". I know it is all about the individual's eye and what they like but for the sake of trying to adhere to a theme, do you think this works?
*This is water being shot in the air by a brightly lit fountain*
However it is a very interesting picture and never in a million years
would I have guessed it was water.
Nice work!
Yeah I guess it is abstract and tough to know what it is without conext...
I havn't had any luck getting traditional landscape shots though so I have been trying to take an alternative approach. Some of the articles Andy posted talked about "miniscapes" and how a landscapes can really be many different things beyond a wide open shot...
Thanks for your comments everyone.
I disagree. Go read the articles that Andy listed as a good reference for what landscape is--I think this would certainly fit under those definitions.
I will tell you this though. I thought your waterscape was very interesting and found myself inspecting it very closely to figure out how it was water... Then after giving up trying to figure it out myself and being mesmerized by it I read the caption and it brought a very big smile to my face as this is something that can be seen in almost every city. The thing about your image though is that the composition is great but you chose it in such a way as to make it unrecognizable without the caption even though it it something all of us have seen many times. I love it.
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