Website Comments Wanted.

Ok, I have a new website, its hosted outside of SM. When you click the GALLERIES, it brings you to SM, I'm not concerned about comments on the SM side, well you can if you want, but not my main issue. I want to know what you guys/girls think of the website design, you know your over all impression of the site. I have been talking with my album designer who made me the site for free (shes a nice lady:D ) again we have been taking about the possiblity of re-doing the site. I do like it, but I really need some guidence. :dunno
Here is the site
Here is the site
Gary Harfield
Expose The Moment
Had a list of gear, now its to long, so lets say I have 2 bags and 15,000 worth of stuff.
Expose The Moment
Had a list of gear, now its to long, so lets say I have 2 bags and 15,000 worth of stuff.
Tweek The Site, OR Start Over 9 votes
Tweek it
4 votes
Complete Start from stratch
5 votes
When I open the link, I get a big white space in the middle. Makes me think
something is broken.
You might consider making the thumb nails active so that mousing over
them gives you a link to a particular gallery.
Under "services and pricing", there's neither the service you offer nor a
cost. Sure you do several different types of photography but what service
do you offer and how much will it cost?
I would take the "payment" and move it into the services and pricing section
and maybe the booking too.
The "about" section talks only about weddings and past experience. You might
want to mention your other services.
As a general comment, your wording for various sections could use an edit
to make it flow better.
I'd probably start over and give the site a look and feel that was more
representative to your style and type of photography.
Thanks for the comments.
Expose The Moment
Had a list of gear, now its to long, so lets say I have 2 bags and 15,000 worth of stuff.
You asked for feedback and I gave it to you and that's somehow my
Regarding the services, I should have been more specific. Your opening
paragraph(s) should give folks an idea of your rates. You are relying on
people to navigate through the site to find stuff. If they have to keep
searching for services and pricing after having hit that link, you'll probably
lose them. Your site should strive to give your customers the information
they want and need in as few clicks as possible.
Don't take that personal, I just cannot believe that two clicks for any service I offer to show prices is hard to find.
Expose The Moment
Had a list of gear, now its to long, so lets say I have 2 bags and 15,000 worth of stuff.
It's pretty clear you aren't open to suggestions. So I'll stop.
your telling me as few click as possible, how do you recommend I do that, with all services I offer?
Expose The Moment
Had a list of gear, now its to long, so lets say I have 2 bags and 15,000 worth of stuff.
2. why does a visitor need to see all those keywords? Bleh.
3. your galleries could be 4-across and be much nicer.
4. the first thumbnail can't be read, so why have text there? Fix it, or use a photo instead.
5. your bio links are not pretty. A little HTML to clean those up
6. The E M in your logo is jaggy, should be re-worked
7. The average Bridezilla isn't likely to join a yahoo! group to hear about updates IMO - use something more professional
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I need help. You said the galleries could be 4 accross, I see that they are indeed 4 accross, Is there a code problem, and how do I make them nicer.
You also said the first thumb nail where?
Any help I would thankful.
BTW the yahoo group is for wedding guests to be notified of the upload of the wedding that they attended.
Expose The Moment
Had a list of gear, now its to long, so lets say I have 2 bags and 15,000 worth of stuff.
This thumbnail from my Storybook album galleries
Expose The Moment
Had a list of gear, now its to long, so lets say I have 2 bags and 15,000 worth of stuff.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
There still must be a hundred other ways to do this, in a more professional manner. Yahoo? Bleh.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Andy, its not sopoosed to be readable small, they are coffetable album pages. I cannot delete it or change it cause its part of there wedding album
Expose The Moment
Had a list of gear, now its to long, so lets say I have 2 bags and 15,000 worth of stuff.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
My album designer just used fire fox to look at my galleries and she saw 3 albums accross, but using ie you see 4 accross. How can we fix this?
Expose The Moment
Had a list of gear, now its to long, so lets say I have 2 bags and 15,000 worth of stuff.
Any comments on this complete re design
Expose The Moment
Had a list of gear, now its to long, so lets say I have 2 bags and 15,000 worth of stuff.
Firefox Web Dev tool, and change the widths of the minibox...
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Your new page:
The header is much improved over the original. However, I have to scroll side to side and I'm set at 1024x768. There may be nothing there to miss but it immediately puts people in the wrong mood. A big No-No IMO.
Yeah,I know, all I have is a splash page so far. However, when I go online, I want it to be reasonably well done.
Basic but makin' changes
You have green titles, probably want to change that.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Tell your webdesigner to design in and for firefox only. After that is done then start working on hacking IE. If you do it the other way around you'll never find a good solution (which means you'll end up paying him lots and lots of money). That complete redesign page is totally broken in firefox so I'd say don't use that.
In your current design if you go to you see that the header is much wider than the rest of the page. Either shrink the header or enlarge the rest of the page.
Overall it's a vast improvement over your last incarnation IMHO. & smugmug