Website Suggestions...

I hope I don't regret this later :uhoh but... I was wondering if you all could take a look at my website.
My goal is to keep the site simple, clean, and easy to get around. The original idea was to be strictly digital and supply the costumers with a CD of printable images, with usage restrictions of coarse. But, since I found SmugMug, we may redirect our focus to online galleries rather than CD's.
Please feel free to comment on the website design, photo packages, pricing (we're pretty cheap! maybe too cheap!), gallery, and pics. Also, the last button (magnifying glass) in the menu will be an "about us" page. I'm still waiting for my wife to write the bios!:D
Thank you all...please be gentle!
My goal is to keep the site simple, clean, and easy to get around. The original idea was to be strictly digital and supply the costumers with a CD of printable images, with usage restrictions of coarse. But, since I found SmugMug, we may redirect our focus to online galleries rather than CD's.
Please feel free to comment on the website design, photo packages, pricing (we're pretty cheap! maybe too cheap!), gallery, and pics. Also, the last button (magnifying glass) in the menu will be an "about us" page. I'm still waiting for my wife to write the bios!:D
Thank you all...please be gentle!

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein :bash
- Kevin
- Kevin
Hi Bakerspatch, Fresburg here. I can't believe you haven't gotten any responses yet.
I couldn't resist your NSRA Gallery. Nice images. We've shot some of the same cars. I had planned on being there but had to cancel at the last minute.
My site isn't even up yet so who am I to talk but, a couple things:
1. You specialize in candid photography. You might consider using a less formal font for your logo. Make it feel more fun.
2. You might want to put text in your link icons. They may not be self explanatory to everyone.
I believe in simplicity myself and believe the easier I can make it for potential buyers to find what they need, the more sales I'll make.
Basic but makin' changes
I agree that the navigation should be text as well as logo, to simplify. "THE TOUCH" just sounds kind of dirty to me too. I would ask a few people what comes to mind when they hear the name, maybe it's just me.
Nikon shooter: D200, Tokina 12-24, 17-55 2.8, 70-200 VR 2.8, 50 1.4 :click
Thanks on the NSRA images. We were trying something new but it didn't work. I went flying through the show photographing cars and throwing business cards in the windows with the gallery address on the back of the card. We got good hits on the site but we got ZERO purchases. I think you would have to find a niche - like a picture of the owner with his car.
For the formal font - that's an interesting point! I never put the two together (candid - fun). I'll keep that in mind.
For the link icons - great point. I'm finding on the stats that people don't explore - that could be why.
Thank you! Kevin
- Kevin
Cliff Photo - Thanks for the info.
The name has been a concern lately. I can't believe we didn't think about that when we created the name.
I'll get started on the navigations!
- Kevin
JBurt -
Do you have a camera shop in Fresno that rents equipment? Is there a shop that even carries "L" Series lenses?
I really don't want to go to LA!!!
- Kevin
Car shows are like any other genre. They are impulse buys. And you have to establish yourself with the crowd unless you have a really unique shot that no one else got. I do a lot of local shows throughout the valley and over on the coast. I usually shoot the cars as they come in then process them and print on-site using a show specific template. (5x7, 8x10, 12x18) We generally only sell 20-25% of the participants at any given show. The money is in getting them to buy the "Glamour" images I do after the show. I'm anxious to get my site up and see how much of the other Smugmug gadgets end up selling.
Basic but makin' changes
I've never really checked on rentals. Boot's Camera might rent. They also carry a fairly good selection of inventory. But, high priced.
Basic but makin' changes
Yeah - I thought it was an easy market - hook,line, and sinker. I was way wrong! You never know! Sounds like you got it under control! If you ever need help on a show just let me know - I'm always looking for chances to shoot!
- Kevin
How's this for the navigation bar...too cheesy???
- Kevin
I'll keep you in mind. The NSRA & Goodguys are large shows.
Under control??? Hardly...
It actually is an easy market (think baby pictures) though they are looking for the unique. They are looking for the glamour shot. Carguys usually have tons of 3/4 view snapshots of their baby. You just need to be around and get to know the gang. It's all word of mouth.
Basic but makin' changes
I vote for larger text. The biggest complaint I got on my business cards was the text was too small.
Grandma and Grandpa don't see so well anymore
Basic but makin' changes
I'm debating on getting away from the film strip idea. It's been pretty limiting! I'm working on another one - I'll post it pretty soon.
- Kevin
I agree with trying an idea outside the fimstrip realm. It works, you just see it so often it's become a little cliché. Experiment with some text only navigation to save yourself some room at the top of your page to keep people from getting scroll fatigue. I need to make my banner smaller for the same reason.
Nikon shooter: D200, Tokina 12-24, 17-55 2.8, 70-200 VR 2.8, 50 1.4 :click
Thanks Cliff! I'll see what I can come up with. I think I'm sick of the film strip and as you said, it's a little cliche. I love you site - it flows very nicely. I agree with the banner but your not talking much - just a little smaller logo.
- Kevin
I see alot has been said about your navigation already by the looks of it. I must say i do like the look of the images actually, i am not too sure about the filmstrip look though. maybe keep the pictures, and just remove the filmstrip-lines? Also, how about the pictures changeing into words on mouse-over? just for that extra bit of clarification of what you are actually linking to? or a picture with the text in it somewhere small?
Also, the other thing i noted was that on your packages page, you have a lot of small names/links with a small description, linking to another page with much more info. The info you are linking to is not really that much more, so i was thinking maybe one page with all the info, and no links? You could use a journal-style view page, a little bigger picture if you wanted, and you would have more space for the text. It's a personal thing, i don't like links, but also for (potential) customers it will be easier and quicker to find what they are looking for.
You really did a good job of keeping it technically viewable for pretty much everyone, small resolution screens, and large resoluation screens, all looking good, and (very important) the same
Oh, one last comment, i would try to limit the amount of colors to one or two. I saw atleast 4 different colors of text being used. & smugmug
Ivar - Thank you for all the info!
I'm working on a new nav bar - I'd like to keep the images as well. I'll see what comes out of my head today - I couldn't get anything out yesterday!
I understand your thoughts on the packages page - all the information for each package is very similar - I struggled just to fill the pages on each on! I'll see what I can come up with as far as putting it all on one page. My only concern would be too much information on the page. I'm with you - I don't like links either!
I'm with you on the colors. I wanted to stick with gray and white but it was just WAY TO BORING. So I added a little here and a little there but each page seems to have different colors. I'll get them all the same.
Thank you for your comments!
- Kevin & smugmug
I like it. I'll play with it and see what I can do.
- Kevin
What do you think? It's pretty simple, I might do some rollover stuff later on.
- Kevin
I think the look is a BIG step forward! Very sleek and modern when compared to the old...
Nikon shooter: D200, Tokina 12-24, 17-55 2.8, 70-200 VR 2.8, 50 1.4 :click & smugmug
Very nice. Now your "The Touch" header logo looks like it belongs.
Basic but makin' changes
I feel very good about this one! I'm with you, sleek and modern.
I'm glad you pointed that out! I would have left it on there for a long time
I Agree. It all just fell together.
Thank you guys for the advice! I start working on the packages page.
- Kevin