Uploading help, general guide anywhere?
Hi I have some questions about uploading and wondered if im missing a guide somewhere?
Ive taken a look but cant see answers to some of the questions I have from the basics what uploader and where to find it too what ITPC data is displayed when I upload, and whether file name is displayed etc.
Thanks in advance for any directions to that info.
Ive taken a look but cant see answers to some of the questions I have from the basics what uploader and where to find it too what ITPC data is displayed when I upload, and whether file name is displayed etc.
Thanks in advance for any directions to that info.
Trapped in my bedroom taking pictures...did i say bedroom? i meant studio!
My www. place is www.belperphoto.co.uk
My smugmug galleries at http://stuarthill.smugmug.com
My www. place is www.belperphoto.co.uk
My smugmug galleries at http://stuarthill.smugmug.com
Speeding it up
File Types
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
My www. place is www.belperphoto.co.uk
My smugmug galleries at http://stuarthill.smugmug.com
I want to get some big uploads sorted right first time and especially want to make sure all of the itpc data is on smugmug and my keywords done to.
Im using iview MP 3 to tag my photos, what data does smugmug use to create the keywords?
Photo one
edited data in Iview to give..
People = Stu
Place = England
Keywords = Holiday, coast, beach
Copyright = Stu 2006
What data will smugmug get from what i have done to the itpc data input in Iview?
will it add Stu, England, Holiday, Coast, Beach to keywords? or just what were the keywords in iview?
Im actually at work at the mo and guess my best option here is to label a test photo with all the possible options available in Iview and then upload the photo and see what carries across!
btw Looks like you had fun at Zion and Bryce Andy, Im there in September for three weeks also adding visits to Grand Canyon, Arches, Lake Powell etc very inspiring seeing all the peoples pics.
My www. place is www.belperphoto.co.uk
My smugmug galleries at http://stuarthill.smugmug.com
sure - those and MANY more great HELPful links are at www.smugmug.com/help
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
We'll take all your IPTC keywords - try it and see
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
My www. place is www.belperphoto.co.uk
My smugmug galleries at http://stuarthill.smugmug.com
I wouldn't say ALL as my "last" IPTC keyword for each image is always ignored.
I use a date/time stamp format for my file names (YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS.jpg) that seems to confuse smugmug.
The keywords are interpreted by smugmug as (yes, there is a leading semicolon)
; keyword1; keyword2; keyword3; keyword4 20060520 104057
Though keyword4 shows up in the edit keyword box, it is ignored as a usable keyword until such time as I remove the date/time that was extracted from the file name.
This is a reproducible problem and it doesn't matter what program I use to input the IPTC keywords (Downloader Pro, ThumbsPlus and/or Photoshop).
Here's an example
The missing keyword is
North Side Little League