Is there a star-explorer like tool for unix/linux?
How about rutt's python script - that should run in linux. Lacks a GUI and is for uploads only as far as I know, but last time I checked it had some useful features to synchronize your local folders with smugmug galleries.
Will it be a good idea to develop something that will have similar functionality for *nix/Mac. Say, something with perl/Tk, so that it can run on all platforms? Any takers/volunteers?
I have been developing a Firefox extension for Smugmug for some time, that works on Windows, Mac and Linux.
Hoping to release it in the next month or so.
That will be soooooo.... coool.....
Can I help in some way? Testing?
I cooked up a standalone smugmug browser using perl/Tk last night. I'll add editing support to it when I get a few hours free. I haven't packaged it yet, but give it a shot if you have some time to see if it works. You'll need two files that you can download from:
run the , then use the Get to get your album info.
You'll need perl::Tk and perl::LWP installed on your system.
Will it be a good idea to develop something that will have similar functionality for *nix/Mac. Say, something with perl/Tk, so that it can run on all platforms? Any takers/volunteers?
Python, perl/Tk, REAL Basic, Code Warrior, lots of ways to make a program multi-platform capable. Anyone, anyone?
But to answer your question, yes it woud be a good idea to develop something that is cross-platform. Smugmug is a web-based service. The web is accessible from any number of operating systems. Its a shame the best tools only seem to work on one operating system.
Python, perl/Tk, REAL Basic, Code Warrior, lots of ways to make a program multi-platform capable. Anyone, anyone?
Okay, I'll extend my perl/Tk script and add editing feature, and will try to make it more professional.
It will be a good idea if people with perl/Tk knowledge can chime in and help me out (I'm a novice on perl/Tk, but am better at it than any other cross-platform way). I'm going to open a sourceforge project for this, and am going to check it in.
But before that, can someone volunteer and check it out and give me the confidence that it's a step in the correct direction.
Okay, I'll extend my perl/Tk script and add editing feature, and will try to make it more professional.
It will be a good idea if people with perl/Tk knowledge can chime in and help me out (I'm a novice on perl/Tk, but am better at it than any other cross-platform way). I'm going to open a sourceforge project for this, and am going to check it in.
But before that, can someone volunteer and check it out and give me the confidence that it's a step in the correct direction.
I will try to take a look at it later today/ tonight.
I wrote a text only perl script to access the REST API so I can create a database of my photos and make sure I have them uploaded properly (checking file size and md5checksum). I plan to also use this data to build a local copy of my SM orginization for creating backups. I am also adding a method to export the data into Excel (I was thinking each category would have its own worksheet?)
I will try to take a look at it later today/ tonight.
I wrote a text only perl script to access the REST API so I can create a database of my photos and make sure I have them uploaded properly (checking file size and md5checksum). I plan to also use this data to build a local copy of my SM orginization for creating backups. I am also adding a method to export the data into Excel (I was thinking each category would have its own worksheet?)
Great. Maybe we can integrate all our individual efforts under a single UI.
If you convert it to a perl module, we can easily add a butto to do these operations on the main ui.
Great. Maybe we can integrate all our individual efforts under a single UI.
If you convert it to a perl module, we can easily add a butto to do these operations on the main ui.
Do you think you can help in this effort?
I will need to look into your code. I also will need to clean my code a bit. It was a quick hack that I threw together for myself to make sure my 30000+ pics had been uploaded correctly.
I don't work much with Tcl/Tk so I can't really help much with the GUI portion. I also don't run Perl on Windows. All I care is that the code runs on Linux.
I will need to look into your code. I also will need to clean my code a bit. It was a quick hack that I threw together for myself to make sure my 30000+ pics had been uploaded correctly.
I don't work much with Tcl/Tk so I can't really help much with the GUI portion. I also don't run Perl on Windows. All I care is that the code runs on Linux.
Please rename your script. Your server is trying to execute it on its site so I can't actually download the code.
Please rename your script. Your server is trying to execute it on its site so I can't actually download the code.
I have the module.
Ouch, sorry about that.
Fixed now. Rename the txt file to pl file.
Also, download the module again. I just added image editing yesterday.
It's probably pre-pre-alpha. So, use it on some test albums.
I also found a bug showing up if you don't have EXIF info. So, until I fix it, please use it on images with EXIF info.
I will need to look into your code. I also will need to clean my code a bit. It was a quick hack that I threw together for myself to make sure my 30000+ pics had been uploaded correctly.
I don't work much with Tcl/Tk so I can't really help much with the GUI portion. I also don't run Perl on Windows. All I care is that the code runs on Linux.
nice start. I will dig on the code some and get back to you with comments. This is probably a discussion we could move off the forums.
Hope this helps,
SmugMug Support Hero
Will it be a good idea to develop something that will have similar functionality for *nix/Mac. Say, something with perl/Tk, so that it can run on all platforms? Any takers/volunteers?
I have been developing a Firefox extension for Smugmug for some time, that works on Windows, Mac and Linux.
Hoping to release it in the next month or so.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Can I help in some way? Testing?
I cooked up a standalone smugmug browser using perl/Tk last night. I'll add editing support to it when I get a few hours free. I haven't packaged it yet, but give it a shot if you have some time to see if it works. You'll need two files that you can download from:
run the , then use the Get to get your album info.
You'll need perl::Tk and perl::LWP installed on your system.
But to answer your question, yes it woud be a good idea to develop something that is cross-platform. Smugmug is a web-based service. The web is accessible from any number of operating systems. Its a shame the best tools only seem to work on one operating system.
A former sports shooter
Follow me at:
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Okay, I'll extend my perl/Tk script and add editing feature, and will try to make it more professional.
It will be a good idea if people with perl/Tk knowledge can chime in and help me out (I'm a novice on perl/Tk, but am better at it than any other cross-platform way). I'm going to open a sourceforge project for this, and am going to check it in.
But before that, can someone volunteer and check it out and give me the confidence that it's a step in the correct direction.
I will try to take a look at it later today/ tonight.
I wrote a text only perl script to access the REST API so I can create a database of my photos and make sure I have them uploaded properly (checking file size and md5checksum). I plan to also use this data to build a local copy of my SM orginization for creating backups. I am also adding a method to export the data into Excel (I was thinking each category would have its own worksheet?)
smugmug nickname: mpmcleod
If you convert it to a perl module, we can easily add a butto to do these operations on the main ui.
Do you think you can help in this effort?
I will need to look into your code. I also will need to clean my code a bit. It was a quick hack that I threw together for myself to make sure my 30000+ pics had been uploaded correctly.
I don't work much with Tcl/Tk so I can't really help much with the GUI portion. I also don't run Perl on Windows. All I care is that the code runs on Linux.
smugmug nickname: mpmcleod
Please rename your script. Your server is trying to execute it on its site so I can't actually download the code.
I have the module.
smugmug nickname: mpmcleod
Fixed now. Rename the txt file to pl file.
Also, download the module again. I just added image editing yesterday.
It's probably pre-pre-alpha. So, use it on some test albums.
I also found a bug showing up if you don't have EXIF info. So, until I fix it, please use it on images with EXIF info.
nice start. I will dig on the code some and get back to you with comments. This is probably a discussion we could move off the forums.
smugmug nickname: mpmcleod