Random Scotland Pictures

FrogwellFrogwell Registered Users Posts: 51 Big grins
edited May 30, 2006 in Landscapes
I've not been out as much as I would like with the camera over the past couple of months, and the majority of the shots I have taken have been mediocre at best. But we have been promised semi decent weather for next week so I am hoping to get out and about a bit, work permitting.

Anyway, here is a random selection of pictures taken over the past couple of months. No real theme or reason, just a drizzly Friday afternoon bored at work waiting till I can switch the phone off :)

Overlooking the Firth of Forth from Musselburgh (March 2nd)

Batavaime, Glen Lochy, Killin (April 9th)

A sheep (April 9th)

St Fillans viewed over Loch Earn (April 21st)

Finlarig Castle, Killin (May 6th)

The Falls of Falloch (May 13th)

Disused A82 North of Loch Lomond (May 13th)

That's about it. Have a nice weekend peeps :)
I didn't sell out, I bought in.


  • mr peasmr peas Registered Users Posts: 1,369 Major grins
    edited May 26, 2006
    Sweet photos. Sometimes I just envy where people like you live, I mean thats really nice scenery. My fav is that waterfall shot, you must have busted out the good ol' nd filters for it ;), well I usually do hah. I like the way you kept all the colors natural yet vibrant. Looking forward to see more from you. Go participate in the Dgrin Challenges, it helps!
  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator
    edited May 26, 2006
    I like them all but the sheep is simply wonderful. clap.gifclap

    Nice work.

  • DeeDee Registered Users Posts: 2,981 Major grins
    edited May 26, 2006
    One sheep hill
    Here in the US there's a TV show called One Tree Hill and in my coastal neighborhood we even have a few hills with one tree. But one sheep hill? :D
    I love it.

    I was in England, Scotland and Wales in 1985 and loved the wandering sheep. They didn't run off like they do here in the states. I still have nightmares about driving in Great Britain!

    I like the waterfall shot too -- that's just the right amount of blur too... how many did you take to get just one right?

    That looks like lonely landscape there, I like the reflections on the lake too...

    Keep posting!
  • annnna8888annnna8888 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 936 SmugMug Employee
    edited May 27, 2006
    Great photos! I especially like #2, and as a sucker for reflections :D, #4. The first one is a bit too soft for my liking. And the sheep is thumb.gif!
    You do live in a picturesque area I have to say. I hope you show us photos you take next week in the semidecent weather. mwink.gif

    SmugMug Support Hero Manager
    My website: anapogacar.smugmug.com
  • mwgricemwgrice Registered Users Posts: 383 Major grins
    edited May 27, 2006
    I love the sheep. The two trees bent over in the foreground of the castle shot are a little distracting in a shot I otherwise liked.
  • harjttharjtt Registered Users Posts: 223 Major grins
    edited May 27, 2006
    Some cracking shots all round - I forgot how beautiful Scotland can be. Now we don;t get anything as pretty down here in London!



  • erich6erich6 Registered Users Posts: 1,638 Major grins
    edited May 27, 2006
    Wow, nice images! I really like the one from Batavaime and the Falls. I don't think the soft focus worked to well on the first one. Beautiful country. clap.gifclap.gif

  • Phil U.Phil U. Registered Users Posts: 1,330 Major grins
    edited May 27, 2006
    Wow - great shots. Thanks for the tour through the countryside.thumb.gif
  • firedancing4lifefiredancing4life Registered Users Posts: 550 Major grins
    edited May 27, 2006

    you aren't by chance the Highlander? rolleyes1.gif

    Nice pics! I love the ruins.
  • FrogwellFrogwell Registered Users Posts: 51 Big grins
    edited May 30, 2006
    I like the waterfall shot too -- that's just the right amount of blur too... how many did you take to get just one right?
    Quite a few :) Although only two with blur on. I was in a hurry as there was a family coming up behind me with screaming kids, I had to balance the tripod on some rocks as I didn't have my tripod with me, so I just set it to aperture priority at f22 and away I went :):
    The first one is a bit too soft for my liking.
    That was pretty much my feeling too. I'm actually quite annoyed with that photo. I was walking up and down the waterfront for half an hour or so just dying to get a good shot. The weather was perfect, nice fluffy clouds, sun in the right place and deep blue sky. I just couldn't find a decent shot though so I grabbed that one and a few others like it. None of them really cut the mustard and I spent a bit of time with photoshop trying to salvage something, but the pics just weren't having any of it. I added the soft focus in photoshop as a sort of punishment. Doesn't make much sense I know, but have you ever kicked/hit an inanimate object when it wasn't working? Same principal :):

    The two trees bent over in the foreground of the castle shot are a little distracting in a shot I otherwise liked.
    Another one of those annoying scenes. There is a good scene there but very difficult to get a shot of. I couldn't get any further back without being in a bush. I would have moved the branches on the ground but I was in full cold weather motorbike gear and the weather had then turned really warm so I was trying not to exert any energy :):
    I didn't sell out, I bought in.
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