*Challenge 25, by ginger, comments welcome

The World Seems Different Lately: photography by ginger

I posted it, I am happy!
Welcome to my world, uh, Huh!

I posted it, I am happy!
Welcome to my world, uh, Huh!
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
Something draws me to this as humor, the way they are absolutely not relating at all, each in his own world.
Instead of putting a specific title telling the viewer what the humor is, I left it open a bit, so others could feel this photograph in their own way. Perhaps, amusingly, they won't even find it humorous.
For those who don't want their humor political.
Now what kind I don't know. A white peacock???
There is a very talkative worker feeding them and stuff. I can't understand a word he says.
I went for humor, thought there was none, but took shots anyway. The cat was funny just being a cat. I did "understand" the man to say that was a funny cat. But it might have been something you had to be there to "feel".
Other shots I just took, I have enough memory to waste some. I was sitting talking to Bill when I saw that bird sitting on the fence. I saw the light shining through and stuff, had to have the photo. Took it, then what?
Obscurity as a beautiful bird, or fame/recognition as a bird suddenly living life "upside down". It might be difficult for the bird, but I like it, smile. Nice playing one of the greek gods. I pulled that bird's strings.
Thanks, ginger
Day after the general USA election, 2004
Photography by ginger
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
Sigma SD9, SD14, and DP1
I guess I take that back for one of my daughter's, she thought it was funny, but had to work a double shift the day after the elections, so she didn't see it til yesterday. She said that Silly Bird would understand why she was late in responding.
I just don't think it will be relevant by the time we actually have the challenge.
I went to the beach with the dogs this morning. I just had to, they have not been for ages. Few people there, the funniest thing I saw was when I checked my ISO in the car, as I was leaving, and I had been shooting on 1600 in the sun again. I have one photo I will post. This stuff makes me exhausted. I love your rock and the the sudsy camera, that is what comes to mind. But I am still going to the fair tomorrow........... I have no clue what to look for in humor, but I will give it a shot.
Then Sunday morning, I am taking the opportunity to go look at birds, early morning (mostly want to get into the plantation very early for sweeter light), but it occurred to me that maybe if I watch very careful one of the bird people will be funny?????
I am already tired..........smile. Thanks for looking here. Silly Bird will become a member of my family. That is an interesting part of these challenges, doing stuff I would not do, well, I might not get anywhere with the challenge, but I gained a bird that talks.
Took my dog, Yorkshire Terrier, 5 lb dog, to the beach along with the Corgis this morning.
This is what I got out of it...........and what she got out of it, too. No, she had fun, but got out of this position in a hurry! g
OK, the 1600 ISO hurt a few shots. I have already changed it to 100 for tomorrow. Wonder what I can do wrong next.