Local printing in Europe
I've just searched this forum for details of local printing in Europe. I came across a couple of threads from last year in which the response was, "we're looking at it".
I just wondered if you've managed to make any progress. I would imagine that Europe would represent a sizeable market for you, and I don't think there would be a shortage of willing partners for the printing. I can't see the technical side should be a barrier as it doesn't really matter whereabouts the servers are physically located.
I've just searched this forum for details of local printing in Europe. I came across a couple of threads from last year in which the response was, "we're looking at it".
I just wondered if you've managed to make any progress. I would imagine that Europe would represent a sizeable market for you, and I don't think there would be a shortage of willing partners for the printing. I can't see the technical side should be a barrier as it doesn't really matter whereabouts the servers are physically located.
Thanks for letting us know how important it is to you though!
I wish I had a better answer for you.
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SmugMug Support Hero
We'd do it in Europe in a heartbeat if and when we can have the same type of setup, but it's not as easy as anyone would think
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I'd have thought that once you've chosen your printing partner, all of the hassle of printing is in their hands, not yours. Is it not simply a case of making the files available to them?
I agree that you need to find a European partner capable of producing repeatable, high-quality results; but I wouldn't have thought that so difficult. There's also the admin and charging to sort out of course, but is that too not a one-off up-front exercise?
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Care to elaborate??
SmugMug Support Hero
Well the Germans have it (fotocommunity.com),
looking at their stats, they appear to be somewhat leading.
But I dont know about the quality of their prints.
And since fc is very static and uncustomizable I
doubt they would be able to compete with smugmug.eu
― Edward Weston
Hi Sebastian. I had already read that information, and I think it reinforces my point. You have to be careful to choose the right print partner, but once it's done, it's done. It's not the most difficult, nor time-consuming task in the world.
Once you have made your decision, I still cannot see that you need to do much more than make the files available to them. They then deal with the printing and despatch.
Please know that we'd love to have other local print options, and if and when we an do so with the same quality, consistency, and business model, and be able to guarantee it fully, just like we do now, then we'll offer it.
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I appreciate that you're very busy, Andy. I wasn't asking you for chapter and verse. Just a simple overview of why it is not as straightforward as it appears.
* who owns the lab?
* what's their business model?
* how financially stable are they?
* what equipment do they have?
* how are they staffed?
* how long have they been in business?
* what shipping methods do they use?
* what products can they/do they offer?
* what are the QA procedures?
* are they compatible with our API and electronic methods?
* are they compatible with our auto-color methods?
and on, and on, and on
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Nikon shooter: D200, Tokina 12-24, 17-55 2.8, 70-200 VR 2.8, 50 1.4 :click
Well, I have to say I'm distinctly underwhelmed by that answer.
If you really do want to set this up, surely it should be a relatively simple matter to make a shortlist of half a dozen major, long-established, reputable labs in Europe; send them some anonymous test prints to make your final decision; and then get in touch with them to tell them you'd like to give them some business.
That's why I originally said hours and then I foolishly tried to summarize it. You forgot this part
We don't comment much on future plans, so I'm afraid my original answer will have to suffice
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Fair enough, Andy. Thanks for your time anyway. If you'd have originally said that local European printing simply isn't high on your list of priorities, I'd have left it at that. It's your company and it's entirely up to you how you run it.
You actually said that you'd love to do it but that it would very difficult to set up. I couldn't see why it would be difficult and asked for clarification. I don't feel that you've provided any clarification and I don't think it would be difficult.
Cheers, and thanks,
I thought that's what I said, maybe not so directly, here
Have a great day!
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Sounds like a great opportunity. A wide open market, and easy pickings. Go for it.
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I'm European as well, and would like to see European printing. But
I for one can understand that there's more involved if you want to do that as a business that's trying to stand behind a quality product than you seem to imagine. I just hope that the search for a European printing partner has started, since that would be the first step to be taken on the long road Andy described. But I can see why Andy can't even comment on that. This is a business after all. So if it takes a while before one is announced, I can live with that. I currently can't think of a better hosting site than Smugmug, even if their prints have to cross an ocean.
I would like 4.5x6" printing, but that's another issue.
I'm not getting into a point-scroring competition, Andy. I could pluck a quote or two of my own from this thread too. As I said above, my feeling is that this would not be a difficult thing for you to set up if you had the will to do it. Nothing you've said in our exchanges has altered that opinion.
If you want to have the last word, it's all yours.
I think in writing "will" you actually missspelled "unlimited resources".
This really IS essential to set up if you want to keep UK subscribers like me long term
"The test
Over a three-month period ending November, 2003, we sent 26 test shots repeatedly to 10 print providers. 16 of our customers quickly narrowed their favorites to 4 sets of prints, with little disagreement.
Then an expanded group of 30 customers independently chose their favorite and least favorite results in a blind test from the final four.
Test details."
I'd be happy to help test the European printers!
I have stopped using Smugmug for printing, except for my US customers.
The turnaround time of prints is too long from the US and the cost of shipping too high to be realistic for pro users. Especially if I need to order reprints because something is not quite right with a print.
I now use smugmug for viewing only, and they have to order from me directly.
I add my name to the list of clients that want (and need) to be able to print in Europe.
Even if the SmugMug isn't directly linked with the printer - couldn't there still be made an acceptable link?
I am curious to the status of this.
Unfortunately I'll only be willing to let my customers order through Smugmug when all of the below are fulfilled:
1) Euro-printing (or equivalent postage/shipping charges)
2) UKP pricing
3) Payment to the photographer without sending a 'check' in US dollars....I accept paypal, all major credit cards and direct bank transfers.
SmugMug is the best photosite i've ever seen, but i have to put my pictures on another site aswell, just for the printing.
I'm in the Netherlands, and no way, my customers will order with an US service.
A European print-provider would be awesome.
Great to see you Tomasz! Thanks for stopping by, and the kind words
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