soccer is tarting very early these days 7:00 am before the fog lifts ( 1st two pics ) , the other taken later in the same day......
makes a neat effect if you ask me.......
#3 is the best (but you already knew that). But (the big but), I'd crop tighter, right above the "striker's" head, even though it would decapitate his team mate. The horizon is slightly tilted ... so a little squaring off would improve this all ready very nice photo. The last photo is another good shot ... but the focus is the ball and the two defenders ... the third defender on the right is more distracting than adds to the shot ...sooo ... Id crop him out and crop a bit from the top. And I know that you are probably shooting for the parents and kids and while said cropping may improve the shot ... the immediate audience would rather see their kids than a better photograph.
thanx - the last was my favorite, i thought the expressions were good..
Unsharp at any Speed