>>>Dgrin Challenge 66 -- "Patches"<<<

Hi Everyone, dgrin challenge 66 is here. It will run from Monday, May 29th at 12:00:01 a.m. NYC time, through Monday, June 12th at Noon NYC time. The guest judge for the challenge will be the winner of challenge 65, as determined by the voters.
Remember, in order for everyone to benefit, you should be commenting and critiquing for others as much as you expect to get for yourself. You've got to give to get!
The challenge 66 theme is Patches. It could be a patch used to mend, or simply a patch of light. Be sure to give your patch context. Without context you won't know it's a patch. For instance, a patch of grass that fills the entire frame is just grass. Whatever it is, it should be "a part of something marked out from the rest by a particular characteristic; a small area or amount of something".
This thread, is the one into which you post your challenge entry, and remember, one entry per person, and the photo must be fresh, taken during the challenge period. You must post the date the photograph was taken or it will be deemed ineligible. Any entries without a date included, either typed in or by linked exif, will be deleted without notice.
All of the rules of the dgrin photo challenges apply, please read them!
***Challenge 66 will close to entries on Monday, June 12th at 12 Noon NYC time***
Remember, in order for everyone to benefit, you should be commenting and critiquing for others as much as you expect to get for yourself. You've got to give to get!
The challenge 66 theme is Patches. It could be a patch used to mend, or simply a patch of light. Be sure to give your patch context. Without context you won't know it's a patch. For instance, a patch of grass that fills the entire frame is just grass. Whatever it is, it should be "a part of something marked out from the rest by a particular characteristic; a small area or amount of something".
This thread, is the one into which you post your challenge entry, and remember, one entry per person, and the photo must be fresh, taken during the challenge period. You must post the date the photograph was taken or it will be deemed ineligible. Any entries without a date included, either typed in or by linked exif, will be deleted without notice.
All of the rules of the dgrin photo challenges apply, please read them!
***Challenge 66 will close to entries on Monday, June 12th at 12 Noon NYC time***
This discussion has been closed.
smugmug: www.StandOutphoto.smugmug.com
Apt. f/5
ISO 400
focal length 173mm
Ex. .0062s (1/160)
date taken 6-02-06
Henri Cartier Bresson
Patches of Black & Chrome
I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
Edward Steichen
Here's my entry for Patches
Taken Sunday 4th June 2006
Fuji Finepix S602 zoom
ISO 160
shutter 10/5000
Focal length 15.2mm
Iconic Creative
"To be creative means the ability to remain thirsty and to want more, never be content...you keep on seeing, discovering and understanding the joy of creativity"
Raghu Rai
photo taken early 5 June 2006 as the sun rose over the treescape
Date for shot: 06-07-2006
Taken on 6/7/06
1/30 sec.
F 5.6
iso 200, f4.5, 1/640, 28mm, taken 2006/06/01
Date Taken:2006-06-07 12:54:05Date Digitized:2006-06-07 12:54:05Date Modified:1970-01-03 11:42:10Make:NIKON CORPORATIONModel: NIKON D50 Size: 2100x1885 Bytes: 2483642 Aperture: f/22.0 Focal Length: 26mm (39mm 35mm) Exposure Time: 0.008s (10/1250)JPEG Quality:fineFlash:UnknownExposure Program:ManualExposure Bias:0ExposureMode:1LightSource:4White Balance:manualDigitalZoomRatio:1/1Contrast:1SensingMethod:One-chip color sensorColorSpace:sRGB
Pictures of dog taken same day w/ same Nikon D50, processed via Kodak instant photo kiosk, then rephotographed.
Canon EOS 30D. Taken 6/8/2006 at 12:53 pm. Using Canon 28-135 f/3.5-5.6 IS USM. IS was on. Aperture f/5.6, ISO 100, Exposure 1/125.
Always appreciate input!!!
Taken 7th (or was it 8th?) of June 2006. Fuji finepix s7000.
Canon EOS 30D
Sigma 10-20
Canon 75-300 f4-5.6
Canon 18-55
Canon 50 f1.8
Canon 430EX
EXIF: http://charbu.smugmug.com/photos/newexif.mg?ImageID=74660215
... come along.
Shot last night, June 9th, 2006. 25 seconds, f13, ISO100, 10mm (sigma10-20), used tripod, on Canon 30d.
A DJ Patches Spinning Souls that Wax Poetic, Patches Records together, records that were never written to go together....emmiting light that patches soundwaves straight into consciousness.
Title: Patching Records
*Canon 40D: 17-55IS - 70-300IS - 100mm Macro - Sigma 10-20EX
Shot yesterday at the Appleby Horse Fair...
The horse is a Vanner, a breed raised by the travellers.
F6.3 1/160 sec Iso 100 28-200 Tamron lens
Taken 08 June 06
(These Patches do not necessarily reflect the views of the Photographer)
A Patch of Sunlight
exif: http://johnciecierski.smugmug.com/photos/newexif.mg?ImageID=72076672
Date/Time08-Jun-2006 12:22:59MakeCanonModelCanon EOS DIGITAL REBELFlash UsedNoFocal Length55 mmExposure Time1/125 secAperturef/8ISO Equivalent100Exposure BiasWhite Balance(-1)Metering Modematrix (5)JPEG Quality(6)Exposure Programshutter priority (2)
My camera is still set for Hong Kong time, so this was actually taken 12 hours later.
Slate houses in Central Portugal with interesting "patches" of color.
File size: 144717 bytes
File date: 2006:06:10 18:21:25
Camera model: NIKON D70
Date/Time: 2006:06:03 18:03:21
Resolution: 250 x 313
Flash used: No
Focal length: 28.0mm (35mm equivalent: 42mm)
Exposure time: 0.0003 s (1/3200)
Aperture: f/3.5
Whitebalance: Manual
Light Source: Shade
Metering Mode: matrix
Exposure: Manual
Exposure Mode: Auto bracketing
June 2,2006
Canon 20d - 18/55
36,000 feet
Photo-a-day 2013
DETAILS>> Taken 6/11/2006 : Leica DLux P&S : ISO-200 : 6mm (guess at 22mm) : f/2.8 : 1/10 sec
"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." - Dorothea Lange
Date Time Original 2006:06:11 17:23:09
Aperture: F9
Shutter Speed: 2.5s
Taken 6/11/2006
EXIF in gallery
Quarks are one of the two basic constituents of matter in the Standard Model of particle physics.
This is the Ferris Wheel at our Showground, packed away till the next Royal Show.