humor callenge

Bugger, I have a great shot that I think is humor but I took it on saturday while in London.
This guy was very seriously trying to take a picture of a couple of mimes.
He stood like that for almost ten minutes, and I nearly chocked with laughter. Maybe it is a "you had to be there moment".
He made my day...
This guy was very seriously trying to take a picture of a couple of mimes.
He stood like that for almost ten minutes, and I nearly chocked with laughter. Maybe it is a "you had to be there moment".
He made my day...
Ginger (Too bad it is not one of those you could go retake now.)
Sigma SD9, SD14, and DP1
Man I woulda photoshopped in some poo squirts on that dude!
Hey... I did not see that I got responses to this one.
I think I took it to quick, so the mimes were not completely in it.
Might be a personal challenge to put the mimes inthere...
Thanks guys for response
Here are two other ones from that day... again quick shot, so the kid was almost of the picture...