Bonds hits 715* or 715 - You're choice

Steroids or no Steroids. Bonds did it and I was there...absolutely amazing. Probably the loudest I've ever heard that ball park. All I wish was I had 300mm at least..hahahaha :rofl more at my gallery

No matter how strong you are, you still need to HIT the ball!
I was watching on the tube and I couldn't believe the noise. And 2 ovations to boot
Nice shots!!
Yup...that's the loudest I've heard it. I was lucky enough to go early so I caught some of the Rockies batting practice. I think in a couple weeks I'm going to rent a 300mm...or 70-200 2.8. Any suggestions?
maybe $1,000,000+ ball?-
re steroids-
who's to say how many athletes have taken advantage of it over the years-
I took it in the early 70's and it worked wonders, and that was at a prescribed dosage (not that I'm condoning it)-
how long has it been around before that--
regardless, bonds is an amazing athlete-