Wee Birdies, nest, (long)babiesnd parents
Please excuse any softness. I was amazed to see a little bird go to an almost completely hidden nest, while I was stalking a GBH and shooting egrets. I spent an hour or so at this little nest. It was very difficult to see, was getting dark, the LCD was not telling me much..... Well, I know that some of these birds are soft, and I went from an ISO of 400 to 1600 while I was there, just to keep some kind of speed at all, so the DOF suffered. To me the "get" was worth it.
Comments, etc are welcome. (Thusie said these appear to be about 5-7 days old. I was so excited, and it was fascinating. The longer I stayed, the more activity in the area. I pretty much blew my memory on this nest. I figured it was kind of a once in a lifetime event for me.) I even photographed a couple of deer (not well, these animals all stay around folliage), but I completely forget to work them up, my excitement for these wee birds is so high!
ginger photos taken 5/29/2006

Above, there is food in the adult's mouth, but it is tiny, too. Probably an insect.
Below, the beginning of the feeding. The adult did put the "food" all the way down the throat of the baby. (That is not as interesting a shot)

Below: does anyone know what the parent takes out of the nest? She
did that each time, the white ball like thing.

Below: The best flying shot, even if it is a tad soft.
Look at those little mouths!! I have seen them in magazines, but
never expected to photograph them myself. They are in focus!

Later: Dad looks in!

I think that there were three wee birdies, all told. The nest was so well hidden! It was very difficult to find a vantage point from which to photograph. I was on the dirt dyke type rd that is there at the "rookery". The birds, including this nest, and the gators (a few and this time I was scared of them...just a bit more aggressive), but this nest was in folliage in the swamp (water).
I took the extender off of my 400 to give me chances for faster focusing. Just a choice I made. The verticals are crops, top to bottom, of horizontals. I took some verticals, but mostly I can hold my camera in a horizontal position for much longer periods than I can for verticals. These were, what else, hand held.
I love her decorating skills with the nest.
Finallyin case someone would like to see it. Mom flew away, again, with a white cotton like thing in her mouth. She was back and forth, but not that often, and it was very hard to catch her.
ginger (sorry for the OOF MOM, busy bird, f5.6, .......) I did everything I knew in photoshop to make the photo acceptable. I didn't succeed, any more was just too grainy. Not that this isn't. But I think it is interesting.
Thanks for stopping!

Sorry, forgot to say that I was using my husband's work owned 20D for the weekend only. I have to call Canon to see if they know anything about mine.
Comments, etc are welcome. (Thusie said these appear to be about 5-7 days old. I was so excited, and it was fascinating. The longer I stayed, the more activity in the area. I pretty much blew my memory on this nest. I figured it was kind of a once in a lifetime event for me.) I even photographed a couple of deer (not well, these animals all stay around folliage), but I completely forget to work them up, my excitement for these wee birds is so high!
ginger photos taken 5/29/2006

Above, there is food in the adult's mouth, but it is tiny, too. Probably an insect.
Below, the beginning of the feeding. The adult did put the "food" all the way down the throat of the baby. (That is not as interesting a shot)

Below: does anyone know what the parent takes out of the nest? She
did that each time, the white ball like thing.

Below: The best flying shot, even if it is a tad soft.
Look at those little mouths!! I have seen them in magazines, but
never expected to photograph them myself. They are in focus!

Later: Dad looks in!

I think that there were three wee birdies, all told. The nest was so well hidden! It was very difficult to find a vantage point from which to photograph. I was on the dirt dyke type rd that is there at the "rookery". The birds, including this nest, and the gators (a few and this time I was scared of them...just a bit more aggressive), but this nest was in folliage in the swamp (water).
I took the extender off of my 400 to give me chances for faster focusing. Just a choice I made. The verticals are crops, top to bottom, of horizontals. I took some verticals, but mostly I can hold my camera in a horizontal position for much longer periods than I can for verticals. These were, what else, hand held.
I love her decorating skills with the nest.
Finallyin case someone would like to see it. Mom flew away, again, with a white cotton like thing in her mouth. She was back and forth, but not that often, and it was very hard to catch her.
ginger (sorry for the OOF MOM, busy bird, f5.6, .......) I did everything I knew in photoshop to make the photo acceptable. I didn't succeed, any more was just too grainy. Not that this isn't. But I think it is interesting.
Thanks for stopping!

Sorry, forgot to say that I was using my husband's work owned 20D for the weekend only. I have to call Canon to see if they know anything about mine.
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
Looks like you pushed these in PP.
Nice captures though
Cincinnati Smug Leader
I thought about "diapers", too. After I wrote that and looked at it long enough. Maybe these birds are more evolved than we know. I am sure that if they are diapers they are disposables. It didn't happen just once. Every time that bird left, she was carrying that.