Ch.66 Ineligible: Patches Of Light

I lucked out on the Nostalgia (was too late for it), and this was one week too early :dunno
But I thought it would do ok for a patch idea :wink
Patches of Light:

Date Taken: 2006-05-22 12:20:39
Model: Canon EOS 30D + EF-S 17-85 IS USM
Aperture: f/10.0
ISO: 100
Focal Length: 17mm (guess: 29mm in 35mm)
Exposure Time: 20s (20/1)
But I thought it would do ok for a patch idea :wink
Patches of Light:

Date Taken: 2006-05-22 12:20:39
Model: Canon EOS 30D + EF-S 17-85 IS USM
Aperture: f/10.0
ISO: 100
Focal Length: 17mm (guess: 29mm in 35mm)
Exposure Time: 20s (20/1)
"May the f/stop be with you!"
I shot birds yesterday, so walking there and back, I grabbed me some patches of light. Too bad I was walking over a swamp, smile. Love your light!
I think I will do Strawberry Patches, if I can get my hands on a camera!! Mine is at Canon, not even in the system as yet.
Funny, I turned in a Strawberry Patch for the last challenge! I used my husband's camera this past weekend, so I can probably use it next weekend. Real cool, his day off, that morning, in the good light, I have to shoot a baptism.
But that is what I am seriously thinking of doing. And to make it plural, there are also vegetable patches next to the strawberry Patch.
I used to live outside of Denver, Colorado. Went to College for a yr, Colorado College, in Colorado Springs. Red Rocks springs to mind, concerts??? That is where I first smelled marijuana. Gorgeous for concerts. And in Colorado Springs there was Garden of the Gods, I was not impressed, but then I was 18...............
Now I love the different colors of the earth, and when there are walkways, valleys, things that stick up, and down, they are really cool for a camera.
This is absolutely beautiful.... we have nothing like this in the deep south... not that I know of.... and I would love the opportunity to even try to get something like this... you did a great job composing the shot... getting the right exposure... this is a real winner... too bad it's not eligible..
Come talk with me of days gone by, let's linger there awhile. Some memories will make us cry, but more will bring a smile.
Thanks you very much!
I bet if you joined us with the post-shootout group, Maxine would have a female companion - and you'd get similar shot