Keyword editing question
Okay, so I'm trying to bulk edit 51 photos I've put together in a new album. It appears that SM doesn't like commas, so I went through and did a bulk remove of commas and combined words using parentheses.
However, the keywords don't show up unless I individually save each entry.
The crazy thing is that the keywords exist in each photo, but they don't show up until I click edit on their keywords and then click save.
Oh yeah, this album:
However, the keywords don't show up unless I individually save each entry.
The crazy thing is that the keywords exist in each photo, but they don't show up until I click edit on their keywords and then click save.
Oh yeah, this album:
I've run into this before... the way I fixed it was using bulk edit, do a replace on a keyword and change it to "junk" or whatever, then replace "junk" back to the original keyword, then hit save. worked for me.
Not sure why this occurs sometimes... I think once it occured when I uploaded photo's, keyworded them, then moved them to another gallery... somehow they got disconnected...
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Okay. The problem is, I have many different keywords on these 51 photos, but I think I have one that is shared, "mackinac island". Hopefully this will fix it.
EDIT: Didn't work. Replaced "Mackinac Island" with nimitz. Then replaced back and saved. Photos still come up empty on the keyword dispaly unless I click edit and then save. (PAIN IN THE ...)
Computer Ninja,
I've done plenty of bulk editing of keywords and It always took a little while, maybe a minute for all the pictures to update, I would just refresh to see them updated.
also, I discovered that semicolons ; work best for separating entries and "" double quotes for multiword keywords
good luck
Creator of: SmugManager
"There's no dark side or the moon, really. Matter of fact it's all dark..."
You might have to hit save with the new word first, then go back.... not sure exactly how it worked for me, but I know I was able to fix em this way.
Here is where I had brought this up before, back in Nov. We didn't get to the bottom of it though....
good luck.
What a drag.
I've tried spaces and commas for separating keywords. Also, I am using double quotes around my words like "mackinac island".
Woe is me.
seriously though, smugmug should be able to figure out what the "disconnect" is and fix it.... it shouldn't be "our" problem.
Yeah...I would sure hope they'd get the editing features of Flickr in here.
The handling of multi-word keywords was recently improved.
You should no longer need the double quotes (unless the keyword contains a number). You should also separate your keywords using semi-colons, e.g.,
John Doe; Jane Doe; Jack Hill; Jill Hill
It works for me. Give it a try and let me know if it doesn't work.
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First of all, here's the gallery in question:
You'll see the keywords at the bottom: "phoebe baby astoria". As this was one of my first galleries, I realized I bulk-added the keywords incorrectly; I wanted each one to be a separate keyword instead of a group of keywords.
So I went back in, via the bulk-editing function, and deleted all those keywords. Upon saving/updating, though, the "phoebe baby astoria" keyword is still there. In fact, it won't go away, no matter what I do. Replacing/deleting/adding - none of it works. When I preview the bulk-edit, it looks like it's done exactly what I've asked, but when I go back to the gallery, those three words are still there. I can't seem to get rid of 'em.
Does anybody have any idea what might be going on, or if I'm doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance -
I have to manually go into each photo's keywords by clicking "Edit" and then clicking save.
Pain in the a$$ if you ask me.
And as you can see, none of those keywords appear at the bottom of the pictures.
It sounds like the solution is to click "edit" keywords on each photo to open, then save. That's not a solution, it's a workaround. I assume this is a bug that is being fixed, and not something we have to live with? Hopefully it will be fixed soon.
That's a problem for me as well. With other galleries, I'm bulk adding keywords, and they're not appearing in the galleries - nor are they appearing in my overall "keyword" section.
I'm still in my 7-day trial; I hope to get an answer one way or another on this soon.
all the galleries in question are using the filmstrip... this gallery format doesn't show keywords, switch it to smugmug, smugmug small, critique to see your keywords underneath the image.
Creator of: SmugManager
"There's no dark side or the moon, really. Matter of fact it's all dark..."
i wonder if people at smugmug watch these threads......
uploading issues...(just use third party tool)
performance issues...(delete your cookies, reboot, and call me in the am)
keywording issues...(just hit edit/save on each picture)
sort galleries issues...(just resort your galleries again...)
isn't this photo sharing 101?
at least we have filmstrip, lightbox, popular photo, map this!, etc...
sorry guys, I don't know what gets into me some days, but lately the basic photo sharing site features are hurting... I want smugmug to be strong cus I sure as heck don't want to set up all my pics somewhere else, ever again
And as someone that mostly uses the "basic photo sharing site features", I'm getting a bit frustrated. The bulk keyword feature doesn't work, I can't sort my galleries and have them always "stick". And I was a bit irritated when a friend was viewing some of my photos on her computer, and she commented to me that the pictures "took a long time to display". This is not the first time I've heard this comment.
I have the same problem:
I have to touch each picture: click on the 'edit' link for the pic's keyword and hit save. Only then i can make the keywords appear.
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
Since I do most of my keywording off-line (ThumbsPlus), I didn't notice this problem before I posted yesterday. I did forget to add a keyword to a gallery of 100+ images and had later added them via Bulk Keywords. Like everyone else, they didn't stick until I went back to each image individually and click Edit/Save.
Definitely a bug.
I just reported this bug (with this thread) in the sticky bug-thread of this forum.
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"