If you find...

by this

and this

Then look up and you'll probably find these:

(need to PS some branches out of this one).

These were some juvenille red-tails, with mom circling overhead. I never saw the young ones take flight, they appeared to be contemplating making that first leap. The first 3 pics (sorry if anyone was eating when they opened this) were scraps found right under the nest (apparently these guys are messy eaters -- or maybe had a food fight).
Hope you enjoy. C&C always welcomed. Kevin.

by this

and this

Then look up and you'll probably find these:

(need to PS some branches out of this one).

These were some juvenille red-tails, with mom circling overhead. I never saw the young ones take flight, they appeared to be contemplating making that first leap. The first 3 pics (sorry if anyone was eating when they opened this) were scraps found right under the nest (apparently these guys are messy eaters -- or maybe had a food fight).
Hope you enjoy. C&C always welcomed. Kevin.
"Osprey Whisperer"
My cats leave me stuff like that all the time.. I've never looked up