Move galleries from one photo site to smugmug?
I was directed here by Ben from Smugmug support, although as I browse the board before posting, I don't understand a thing you're saying! :dunno
But I'm a fast learner.:thumb
I'm looking for something that would move photo galleries with captions from other photo websites like Clubphoto and import them into Smugmug. A long time ago I used a site that did that but I have no idea what it was now.
I would love to be able to consolidate all the galleries I've made over the years onto one website!
Thanks for advance for any help, advice or suggestions you can give me.
I was directed here by Ben from Smugmug support, although as I browse the board before posting, I don't understand a thing you're saying! :dunno
But I'm a fast learner.:thumb
I'm looking for something that would move photo galleries with captions from other photo websites like Clubphoto and import them into Smugmug. A long time ago I used a site that did that but I have no idea what it was now.
I would love to be able to consolidate all the galleries I've made over the years onto one website!
Thanks for advance for any help, advice or suggestions you can give me.
You came to the right place to ask this question. Allthough I have no idea if this is possible, i'm sure there will be someone around here to tell you if this is possible. Do you have a link to the website you want to get the photos from for them? & smugmug
Most of my galleries are loaded on
I'll keep my fingers crossed for some good news!
Did you see the bash shell script I wrote to do this posted here?
You just need to add the URL of each album on clubphoto to the array at the top, then modify the "for index in 1 2 3 " line with the number of each album in the array.
You'll need to either run this from Linux or using cygwin on Windows (I've tested both).
The only caveats are album names that contain characters such as "/" or "&". It's best to rename those before beginning.
Good luck,
I will read up and give that a shot!
Screen-scrape script questions
<HR style="COLOR: #575757" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Hi Tyler,
I was hoping you could help me out. I'm a total newbie with the cygwin program /script language.
I understand that I'm to add in the url's of the seperate albums at the top but I'm not sure what else I'm supposed to change.
I don't mean to be any trouble but would it be possible for you to highlight the area's of the script where I'm supposed to add my own information?
Please forgive my lack of knowledge, and thank you for having the knowledge to write this script!
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