To watermark or not, that's the question...

I know it's an issue of security. But I personally hate the look. If I could do a custom watermark I think I would feel differently.
What I'm wondering is... If I turn off ext. links, originals and larges, but leave pics un-watermarked, would "stealing the pics" still be too easy. I know they can always be screen grabbed. But if I only allow small and medium will they be too small for a good reproduction?
What I'm wondering is... If I turn off ext. links, originals and larges, but leave pics un-watermarked, would "stealing the pics" still be too easy. I know they can always be screen grabbed. But if I only allow small and medium will they be too small for a good reproduction?
But if they'd be happy having it on their computer to email around and show people, say a sporting event shot of their kid, then the screen capture is probably fine (thus no sale). So the event photos I have watermarked. I still on only show small and medium (because you might be able to remove the watermark if it is in an abscure place on a large or original).
Glass: >Sigma 17-35mm,f2.8-4 DG >Tamron 28-75mm,f2.8 >Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro >Canon 70-200mm,f2.8L IS >Canon 200mm,f2.8L
Flash: >550EX >Sigma EF-500 DG Super >studio strobes
Sites: Jim Mitte Photography - Livingston Sports Photos - Brighton Football Photos
At what effective resolution could someone effectively steal our works? I would be terrified to think that someone could reproduce a mid-quality reproduction of my work at 640x480.
The justification I use for watermarking is that my images really are only proofs, and that if customers wish to buy my works, then they will have to make a concession while viewing said images. I hate it, but I dont know that there is a better alternative that would ensure safety and protection against image theft.
What I wish we had is the option for is keeping watermarks on large size images but having them turned off for medium/small images in the same page. Or the ability to create custom watermarks of various strengths...
Master Of Sushi Noms
Amateur CSS Dork
I like using Copyright 2006. for my watermark, centered at the bottom of the image.
The Smugmug watermark can obscure facial expressions.
Lisa (Bethesda Big Train Baseball Photos)
Kammerman Portraits (Portraits, Events, Children with Special Needs, Daycare)
Photography Referral System
If we could AT LEAST adjust the opacity I'd be happy. Of course, what I really want is the ability to upload my own image for the watermark and adjust the opacity. Been asking for this for a LONG time...