advice please
I received an email, listed below:
Hello Keith,
I was browsing photos on SmugMug and came across your photos. I wanted to say that you have some really amazing photos of big cats! I was wondering if you would be interested in allowing me to add some of your big cat photos to the big cat photo galleries of These are such good photos they really need to be seen by big cat lovers! Photos will be stamped with copyright and your name and used only for non-profit viewing on [URL="file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Bobby/My%20Documents/Web%20Design/thebigcats/Docs/"][/URL]. I can include a link under the photos back to your website and/or email address if you wish.
Please let me know if you are favorable to this.
Again, great photos, and keep taking photos of big cats!
Kind Regards,
I'm interested in getting more exposure for my photos, but what is the correct way of ensuring I'm protecting my work? Allowing links is fine by me, but this would require me to upload to his server and that makes me nervous. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
Hello Keith,
I was browsing photos on SmugMug and came across your photos. I wanted to say that you have some really amazing photos of big cats! I was wondering if you would be interested in allowing me to add some of your big cat photos to the big cat photo galleries of These are such good photos they really need to be seen by big cat lovers! Photos will be stamped with copyright and your name and used only for non-profit viewing on [URL="file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Bobby/My%20Documents/Web%20Design/thebigcats/Docs/"][/URL]. I can include a link under the photos back to your website and/or email address if you wish.
Please let me know if you are favorable to this.
Again, great photos, and keep taking photos of big cats!
Kind Regards,
I'm interested in getting more exposure for my photos, but what is the correct way of ensuring I'm protecting my work? Allowing links is fine by me, but this would require me to upload to his server and that makes me nervous. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
But I think I will be little help to you here.
I think is's a good thing myself sounds like good exposure.
As far as protecting yourself all you can do is embed your name and copyright stuff. I am guessing here.
But eventhat can be removed.
Be watching this thread for info on this.