Sold my 1000th picture on smugmug. Woot!
Go me. 
Just wanted to share with someone. Today marks the day I've sold my 1000th print from my smugmug website. I've had this account about a year and 5 months, so it's not a super high volume, heck, hasn't even paid for my gear.
Still, I thought it was cool enough to share.

Just wanted to share with someone. Today marks the day I've sold my 1000th print from my smugmug website. I've had this account about a year and 5 months, so it's not a super high volume, heck, hasn't even paid for my gear.

Wishing you 1000's upon 1000's of more sales
checked out your photos-very nice-
congrats on your sales; hope you double that in half the time-
George, got your comment on "Portaits" - fixed. Thanks!
Thanks for sharing. It give the rest of us new users some hope that the sales will start rolling in! Congrats.
Just wanted to mention that none of my sales (that I know of) are "walk-ins". The photos I've sold here on smugmug have all been event photos (dance and autox mostly). And my stats (via Google Analytics) bear this out - 75% of my traffic is "direct" - meaning they type my url directly (or have a bookmark). I know many of the dance kids check my site religously for *anything* new.
Congrats to you!
Very cool. I was happy to sell more than a hundred prints... guess I better raise the bar!
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
website blog instagram facebook g+
Kudrya, most of my prints sold on smugmug are either of someone's kid or their it's personal.
Jeffro, great MX shots! (Check out my autocross gallery:
any advice about how to get people to your site? I have taken a lot down because out of almost 2 years not 1 sale so I use it more for proofing. But I do or want to be able to get it to at least sale a print a week... lol
All feed back is welcomed!!
:lust :lust
Looks like a subject to shoot! I'm going to try and get in some auto racing before summers end.
I checked out your site, and I have to say, I am kind of at a loss for what you are trying to sell. There isn't much there that a casual looker would be interested in. It looks more like work you did for model type shots. Although I enjoy shooting landscapes, wildlife, and other neat stuff, my sales are in event photography. People are interested in themselves...thank goodness:D .
Shots of things like you took of the Golden Gate bridge tend to sell better in stores and galleries. It seems people give a little more wieght to them there....perhaps?
I network with track owners, give out cards, flyers, wear a t-shirt with my logo while shooting, have logo on my vehicle. And word of mouth means a lot too!
I don't have as much on the site any more.. I took a lot off as It was not doing any thing and kind of made it more of a proofing page.. lol. I should re-up load the images I had on there at one time.
All feed back is welcomed!!
:lust :lust
I'm up to 420...since February....I'm gaining!:D