66-patches-what do you think?
I can't make up my mind which one to submit for the patches subject.
Do any of these apply? They are sewn in patches? The scenery ones not apply? thanks

Do any of these apply? They are sewn in patches? The scenery ones not apply? thanks

But I think the last one is powerfull.
Thanks to both of you. Good idea to clone out the letters, I didnt like that part either.
I also have these two, anyone care to comment?
and this patch on the water I liked? Any of the appropriate? thanks
or this:
Oh, I'd also get rid of that black speck (probably a plane in the bkgrd)
[edit: also lose those tie lines and possibly the chain link fence]
... come along.
The others are beautiful photographs but this one says Patches to me. The muted colors of the earth and sky work well to get that whole contrasting color space thing going and I'm just smart enough to know what I'm looking at.
It looks as dry there as it is here. What's up with that? Think we're in for long wild fire season this year.
"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." - Dorothea Lange
...but maybe do something about the fence in the bottom left.
That was so strange as the balloon hadn't landed yet, it was just under the horizon still as I waited for it to come over, it didn't, it just landed on the other side, boo hooo! But it looked like a pumpkin that way! lol
I got a little haze out, but not easy. It was 100* there in Temecula. OK, back to count up which is the favorite. I still can't make up the mind.
For me, this just has a stronger focus on the construction of the balloons than any of the others.
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